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Everything posted by Modessit

  1. Sent to me less than an hour ago:
  2. When that kind of stuff happens, I just fix it.
  3. BTW - I'd post more pics of my dog if the thread was "My Dog is A Dumbass". He just tried to jump through the bedroom glass window because a moth flew by.
  4. As a delivery driver, almost every day is an encounter or 10 with loose dogs on properties - even in town. Nothing like having an off-leash pit bull barking aggressively in the driveway when you're trying to deliver. When you find your package tossed haphazardly into the yard, don't complain. Tie up your dog.
  5. Would've been faster to just type "aggy".
  6. What's interesting is the cop car blocking traffic and the ramp by the cones. It's either fake or staged.
  7. I'm a contract delivery driver in Austin for several gig companies, including Amazon. FedEx and UPS have seasonal contract drivers who use their own vehicles to help deliver packages during the holidays. Usually a trailer or storage box is placed somewhere with packages inside and the driver makes repeated trips to it to fill up and then go back out. They usually have an actually employed driver also working that area in a company vehicle as a lead. I have some friends who do it every year. I assumed this guy was one of those and thought no one would be able to connect him to FedEx since he wasn't in their vehicle. What the fuck goes through someone's mind to be out working and see a kid and think, "Yeah, I've got time to grab her and rape her and kill her and dump the body before I have to go back for my next set of deliveries." That being said, I see kids all the time when delivering. Sometimes I wonder where the parent is or why a kid that young is walking around a neighborhood alone - exactly because of shit like this. I've even told my wife I don't like our kids outside in the front by themselves, even playing with friends - especially my 6yo daughter. It would be very simple for a car to pull up quick and grab her and be gone. I was talking to another friend about this story today and she's ready to send weekly care packages to everyone in whatever prison he goes to - just to make sure this guy's life is a living hell until he dies. She wants him raped and beaten every single day - but not killed outright - because she wants him to suffer.
  8. Nobody knows what the fuck they are doing. You need 2 scores. Go get one. They don't want to foul you.
  9. How many turnovers from slipping when trying to cut? 6? 8?
  10. Terrible fucking possession to end. Gotta take a decent shot even if it's long.
  11. I'm not sure he touched it at all. Ball rotation never changes
  12. As a former Midwesterner - fuck no. No corn. No bell pepper. No cheese. Beans, yes, but dark red kidney beans only. Stewed tomatoes is the only other non-beef item besides the chili powder.
  13. Breaking the quadruple-team! 1 vs 4 doesn't seem fair. They should get more people on the other team. BTW - she doesn't like Taylor Swift by chance?
  14. In a restaurant. 6yo daughter keeps getting out of her chair and walking around. Wife: You have 3 seconds to sit down or I'm taking you outside. Daughter: Oh yeah? Well, you have 3 seconds to stand up! (As my wife was dragging her towards the door) Daughter: I WAS GOING TO SIT DOWN! MAMA! I WAS GOING TO SIT DOWN! I might have to get started on making a new daughter tonight.
  15. I was telling people watching with me that they needed to stick on Scheierman and keep him missing. Was worried if he finally got one then he'd start making more. I was right.
  16. There was a time when you knew playing a top-10 team meant a loss, no matter what we were ranked. Glad that's in the past. Also, one of my cousins is Assistant Dean of Creighton's Graduate School and is a big fan but she doesn't talk shit win or lose. I'm sure she's disappointed but will be magnanimous in her comments. Unlike other cousins who are Nebraska football fans and talk enough shit to get an honorary degree from aggy.
  17. I don't have Venmo and let my PayPal go dead, so just donate mine to BurntEndz. Thanks.
  18. With aggy engineering the way it is, their stadium may collapse before then.
  19. Must be a post missing somewhere - or an edit - because I don't get it. Or I'm blind.
  20. Wife lets the kids stay up late every single night for the past week - "They're on vacation!" - and then wonders why they were still awake at 11p last night on a school night.
  21. Why would we want to marry animals?
  22. Wait. So they went with horizontal stripes for the crowd? Don't they know horizontal stripes make them look fat(ter)?
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