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Everything posted by Modessit

  1. KRob might be too light for a power inside run like that.
  2. How did we not get called for PI? And why was he in a position to catch it without a safety on the ball? And why are we going after the punt right now?
  3. Guess our team is really broken up about losing Pelé
  4. Why did it look like we were trying a screen without blockers?
  5. Guess we didn't get worthy glasses yet. He found the ball when it hit the ground. Underthrown but you have to see that and stop for it. And a blocked punt. Guess we're going to suck tonight.
  6. I'm here. Haven't been paying attention to the bowling thread. Who's not playing besides Bijan?
  7. Anyway to find out the arrest date on that first one (dwi)? I'm wondering if it's a different one than when he hit my niece. Also can someone get me the arrest report from his 12/13/22 arrest? According to that other article, he was placed on 6 years probation in 2018 so he should have still been on probation.
  8. Statesman had a paywall article about being sentenced this past June to 180-days in Bexar County for some type of assault. Guess he got out early.
  9. This is him - Aravind Sankar. Google says he might be a chief of staff at Westlake Medical Center.
  10. Keep it up. I'm looking for one from 12/13. DWI car crash. Guy in an electric Audi hit my pregnant niece while she was stopped at a red light. Her and baby are ok. Guy tried to leave before cops showed up but paramedics were eating across the street and stopped him from leaving. I've got his name but not sure if Google is giving me the right person as she says his pic doesn't look the same but it might be an old online pic. Wouldn't mind finding an arrest report if anyone has an in.
  11. The only advice you need right now is sleep when the baby sleeps. If you can sleep at all. It takes a while to get over the terror of "is the baby breathing?"
  12. Congrats! What a cutie! Shares a birthday with my dad (RIP).
  13. AISD's last day was today. But they don't go back until Jan 9th.
  14. If you missed the memorial service and want to watch it: https://www.wsaz.com/video/2022/12/20/watch-msu-hosts-memorial-service-football-legend-mike-leach/
  15. Too bad this site doesn't have a place to talk about old concerts people saw when not in aggyland.
  16. When I got a car tinted last year, they told me I could do an eyebrow on the front windshield, and the front passenger windows couldn't be darker than maybe 30%? 15%? Other than that, the rear passenger and rear window could go as dark as I wanted.
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