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Everything posted by spystud13

  1. This isn’t nearly as much fun when we don’t score.
  2. Announcers are not enjoying this either.
  3. Fucker already wrote a goddamn essay on his Insta.
  4. WMU/NIU scoreless on ESPNU, 6 left in 1st. NIU just blocked a short FG.
  5. In the first segment of Alton’s turkey episode a couple weeks ago, he explained how tikki masala happened. Then he made it with turkey.
  6. ^ Yeah, pretty sure he’s going for Osemele of the Jets or Trent Williams of the Skins. The whole recently thing.
  7. Sarah’s Place is fucking small, hope you were in one of the equally tiny bathrooms.
  8. What are their kippers like? Dig these a couple times a year.
  9. I like fish & chips & bacon sandwiches, never had faggots.
  10. Lost by .6 on Tucker’s only FG. Fucking Slye missed 3 kicks, 9-pt swing, probably ended the season.
  11. Knew it was two female names, it was never Cliff.
  12. Nope https://m.facebook.com/pages/Tiff-Andis-Place/196975873650671
  13. Is that BBQ sauce or A1 around the bottom? Never thought to do it that way. I do like a Mexican hot sauce on top though.
  14. Cause that's more shirt than she normally wears.
  15. Maybe close the lid, then use the towel? Lookin' good, Mrs. NAaL!
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