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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Newy25

  1. 1 hour ago, JFKFC said:

    Still trying to figure out what Ohio State people think Herman did that was wrong. He let his wife give money to her friend that was abused by her husband. Maybe she used that money for legal bills. And if you don't want former employees talking about the serial wife abuser on your staff, don't have a serial wife abuser on your staff. 

    That seens way too logical. But understand for Buckeye fans, life begins and ends with football. Sure they think beating your wife is bad but not cause enough to make changes to a fucking foorball staff. 

    The lashing out at others is part of the emotional process of dealing with what looks like to be the end of the tenure of a great football coach. They are somewhere between denial and anger and far away from acceptance. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Vertigo said:

    I love Ojomo but I hope to God we redshirt him this year. The kid would be a five star recruit this year if he were a senior in HS.

    He can play in the last two regular season games, the Big 12 title game and the bowl and still be a RS freshman next year. I would let him develop physically and not let him touch the field until then. 

  3. 7 hours ago, Parliament said:

    If he's they guy who's been droppin' dimes to McMurphy, it's a scumbag move, not befitting the HC of an elite university like Texas.  But hardly illegal, or anything like that.  Not sure why you guys are all wrapped up in it.

    First, we are not wrapoed up in it. The only reason Herman’s name was ever mentioned was because Urban’s mouthpieces started throwing out more lies to change the narrative. Those lies were quickly shot down.  

    Secondly, an Ohio St fan is in no position to tell anyone else what a befitting move should be for a head coach. 

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  4. 11 hours ago, HOOK'EMHOOAH said:

    You seem to be forgetting who holds all the cards right now. These things were being handled when President Obama was in office and there was at least efforts being made to work towards fixing the problems.

    So you go on and keep believing the party that doesn't control shit in the House, the Senate, or the Executive branch is the problem because you are absolutely delusional.

    Uh, what? Maybe you can start by trying to explain how the words you wrote have anything to do with anything being discussed on this thread. 

  5. 45 minutes ago, HOOK'EMHOOAH said:

    The Democrats are focusing on these issues. The just so happens to be a spray-tanned fuckhead who is causing literally all of those things you referenced to become problematic. It's when we examine how said spray-tanned maniac ascended to where he is at that we ascertain the problem and why the focus is on the interference from a foreign government and the fact that said maniac conspired with them to get where they are.

    If the Democrats are focusing on these real issues they are failing at messaging. Turn on any media and one story dominates above all. 

    If I were a cynic I would almost believe Trump is keeping this Russia story front and center on purpose. Trolling the left if you will into engaging in a losing fight. 

  6. 22 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    You should be negged into oblivion for continuing to blame Democrats for electing Donald Trump.  No one held a gun to your head and forced Republicans to vote for him and make him the nominee.

    The continued failure of the Democrats to focus on these issues and not issues that matter to anyone is part of this problem. And it is important to recognize because, well they are doing it again with the Russia story. 

    I loathe Trump and want more than anything a new president in 2020. But if the  Democrats do not stop focusing on the things no voter actually cares about we will get more of the same. 


  7. 16 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    The average voter is a moron.

    And this is how you get the wonderful Democrat political strategy that yielded us Donald Trump. 

    Tell the US soybean farmer, who’s been destroyed by the trade war that this is more important. 

    Tell the inner city black family in Chicago, who just saw the shootout at the OK Corral last weekend this is more important. 

    Tell my elderly parents who are struggling with health care bills how important this is. 

    Tell the people at the border in Arizona that this is more important that’s illegal immigration. 


    No, their issues are not legit. Their morons if they not putting fake Facebook memes as priority number one in their lives. 

  8. 33 minutes ago, Judge Roybeanbag said:

    That's the problem.

    Amazingly the economy, job status, health care, education, crime, immigration , the environment and national security are more important to the average voter than Putin posting fake memes on Facebook and Twitter. 

    I realize that is so bizarre and Americans just do have their priorities straight but that’s the cruel world we live in. 


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  9. 9 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Well, no, we care because Trump is a Russian stooge who is helping undermine our democracy.  I know this is difficult for you to parse, but please, let the adults do the thinking.

    And this is the kind of unhinged thinking about Russia that loses most Americans. Have you seen polls about where this issue rates with independent voters? Somwhere between the viability of the post office and coast guard funding.  

  10. 3 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Just like to say my derangement is mostly a result of a lack of leadership to address this problem.  If the government and the tech companies aren’t going to help us defend ourselves, I feel pretty helpless considering I witnessed the attack first hand as it happened.

    The only recourse I have is to better educate myself and pay it forward to my fellow citizens.  Sounds corny but it’s all I got.

    It seens like spitting in the ocean if we try to start censoring the Internet message by message. 

    Education of the electorate always will be a better solution, IMO. 

  11. Someone may have also pointed this out but apoarently Russia was using social media to message even before this election. The reason I would be opposed to censoring or regulating now is it seems like it’s coming from politicians or a political party who happened to lose this time. 

    It’s ok if it sparks Black Lives Matter but not ok if it supports Trump for President? To me it’s all bad or all ok. And someone in government has to make the call? 

    That’s seens far too difficult to implement fairly.  Perhaps what is happening with the public being educated is the best possible solution? 

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