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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Newy25

  1. 17 minutes ago, utfan87 said:

    Boyd was never going to play a significant role at lb for Texas. This suspension does not change the lb recruiting dynamic. Boyd should be recruited over anyway 

    That’s what I figured. 

    Oh and I recruited over your mom last night. 


    Did I do that correctly? 

  2. 1 hour ago, longhornmatt said:

    Doesn’t the grad transfer school have to offer a degree that wasn’t available at the original school?   What would that be for Florida International?   Masters in Smuggling Cocaine Through an Airport?

    I do not think that is really a thing anymore or even enforced. 

  3. 39 minutes ago, texasstrong12 said:

    Maybe I"m naive but I don't buy that report at all. You're telling me after a serious accident Demarco's first action is to go start swinging on a guy before checking on his teammates/brother? 

    I'm not denying Demarco took swings at this guy but the timeline doesn't make any logical sense to me. I still feel there had to be some type of verbal altercation before Demarco reacted. 

    Again, Demarco is still responsible for his actions and that doesn't make Kincade any less of a victim. But I find the timeline to be odd.

    My reaction would be to check on my teammates/brother, figure out what the hell actually happened, talk to the other driver first, and so on. But like I said maybe I'm naive to think Demarco didn't act with a moment of rage. Regardless, I'm still willing to bet there was some type of verbal disagreement/altercation/whatever you want to call it before Demarco started swinging. 



    Does it matter? If Boyd starting punching a guy after a car accident, provoked or not it’s fucking stupid.  Not to mention illegal. 

    He’s a backup who has a scholarship because of who his brother is. This act of stupidity should give Texas coaches the right to open his spot for someone else. 

  4. 24 minutes ago, hobbes2702 said:

    Apparently Ozil is claiming it’s because the DFB was racist towards him. I know everyone was pissed at him for the photo with Erdogan but I thought that had more to do with him being a piece of shit than Ozil’s race.

    I think peope were mad at him because he played lazily and sucked at the WC. This is also him saving face. He likely was not going to make the Euro 2020 squad.

  5. 15 hours ago, Katfid54 said:

    Shows what you know. That guy is starting to get into the process of deciding whether or not to attempt to get engaged to his girlfriend. 

    When does he begin the process of deciding to start covering A&M instead of Texas?  I think we can take up a collection and help fund his new business if he would leave our school out of this. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    I don't think about money in these situations. Of course he did. You expected him to take a teacher's salary? I just see this narrative developing that all our woes are Charlie's fault and it's just patently untrue. 

    How about you shut the fuck up already? 

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  7. 3 minutes ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    Strong is 47-17 outside of his stint here. He went 23-3 in his last two years at Louisville. The knock on him was that he would lose one game a year that he probably should have won. 

    And, as Mack love to say, that's fair.

    But that was ALSO the knock on Mack until he let Superman be Superman, and that took him years to do. If he'd taken the governor off VY's engine at the outset of the 2004 season, who knows what we could have done? We damn sure would not have gotten shut out by blowU, not with Ced in the backfield and Roy at split end. But Mack and GDGD knew better, with their sophisticated lateral passing game. No QB of theirs was gonna come out and play "schoolyard ball" on their watch. That is, until it became imperative for their job security that they did just that, and then we didn't lose a single game for a year and a half. 

    WTF are you still babbling about? 

  8. 42 minutes ago, TankedBevo said:

    Not even close. Deshon has a contract. We have unsigned players reading all this bullshit thinking there's problems within the program rather than Deshon's own hubris and lack of nutsack to call up the offending coach and discuss it like a fucking man.

    DeShon has an NFL contract as a 6th round draft pick. He is one or two bad preseason games away from being out of the league. He fell in the draft partly because of his matrutiy issues. This does not help him at all. 

  9. 18 hours ago, Neonmoon said:

    When A&M finishes with a class ranked lower than #5, they will say its better than Sips class at #5, because Ching Chong Potato

    "Excluding pure objective measurable metrics like numerical ranking, A&M's #8 ranked 2019 class was better than Texas' #5 ranked 2018 class because Jimbo"

    That player for player comparison is some of the most homerish shit I have seen from Hamm. It’s so Fucking stupid that I do not even know where to start. 

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