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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SarkAfterDark

  1. Did the staff put out a depth chart? Have you ever been through a football fall camp? I guarantee you we do not have walk ons in the 2 deep at tackle. Probably not 3rd string either.
  2. Do you honestly believe that about Money? On a team that includes Whittington, Worthy, K Robinson, and Dixon.
  3. Isn’t that a compliment? I mean it’s still Fuck Mike Farrell but I’m failing to see how he was dissing us here.
  4. It’s a big assumption that the majority of posters on here have a brain to use. And as much as you don’t want to, you likely will have to moderate shit like this or only allow the players access to certain parts of the board because these dweebs on here won’t be able to help themselves.
  5. I know enough people including myself that are vaccinated that have caught Covid to know it’s highly possible despite what the efficacy number is supposed to be. Delta ain’t discriminating and is burning through the vaccinated and unvaccinated without any discretion.
  6. What’s the issue here? That is a lot better than I would’ve guessed. I think the bigger problem is it appears despite being vaccinated it’s highly possible they can still get the virus at some point during the season and have to sit out a game or 2.
  7. Which programs do you presume has recruited head and shoulders above us. I can only think of a few. Bama, Ohio St and probably Clemson. I’d say we are on par with everyone else.
  8. I'm not sure why y'all need specifics on how we got out recruited when it's more than obvious that is what happened. Do the details really matter?
  9. Aggie likely doesn’t even have room for Guilbeau. But regardless there is no way we should be getting out recruited for secondary players by Aggie. Bama, and LSU I can understand but fucking Aggie??? They should be easy as fuck to recruit against. WTF are Joseph and Gideon even doing at this point. I have not heard either of their names much lately at all.
  10. I doubt he is expecting to play in the next 2 years. At best I’m assuming he is hoping he takes over for Stroud when he hopefully moves on in 2 years.
  11. I wasn’t speaking from only an NIL perspective. He’ll likely sit at least 2 years behind Stroud and I don’t think it is a guarantee he beats out McCord either. In fact it makes less sense football wise so this move seems to be all about money. Just don’t see how speeding up his eligibility clock benefits him.
  12. This move actually makes less sense to me than when Blue opted out. NIL money going to be that good for a redshirt freshman QB that is likely 3rd at best on the depth chart?
  13. Crazy Brown went in the 5th round. If I ranked that list he’d be second on the list. Definitely no worst than 3rd.
  14. Is not bad at all. Isolation seems to be the hardest part for most. The worst actual symptom(s) I’ve heard was a cough, some difficulty breathing, and some chest pressure. I’ve mainly been asymptomatic and felt much worse when I had RSV a couple of weeks ago.
  15. Everybody I know with Covid right now, including myself, is a “breakthrough” infection. So really not sure how long anyone is going to be able to hold onto that circumstance being rare. It’s not.
  16. Ugh yeah this. I know someone that works at an Urgent Care in Houston and she says this is the most positive test results she has seen since the pandemic started. I’m sure a lot of people have it stuck in their heads this wave won’t be as bad because half the people or so are vaccinated but this shit is obviously spreading through the vaccinated as well. And we know deaths lag and while I hope they stay low we won’t fully know for weeks. And this wave doesn’t seem to be discriminating against kids this time, so shit might come to a head when school starts.
  17. Breakthrough infection here. Got the J&J in March. Was in Costa Mujeres 7/18-21 tested negative the day before leaving and came home for a sec and left for Cabo 7/25, tested positive 7/26 and I’m currently “stuck” here while quarantining. Only possible symptom was a cough.
  18. Considering all 4 names posted I don’t think it’s an either/or situation regarding any of them. Only 1 is committed, and I think only 1(Guilbeau) has a chance to play corner. Either way aren’t in a position to “circle back” on anybody. Take what we can get at this point. And it’s not like Jaylon is a scrub either.
  19. I guess Patton got sold there is more opportunity in the Michigan LB room. Whatever the case this coaching staff sure isn't living up to recruiting expectations thus far and seemingly got no boost from the impending announcement of us joining the SEC.
  20. Dropping the ball on the NIL is completely infuriating. That should have been an easy lay up for a recruiting boost. Whoever thought focusing on the players whoring themselves out on social media and starting shitty clothing lines was the way to lead with the NIL I hope is already unemployed by the university.
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