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Everything posted by TOR

  1. We wandered the deserts, it was awful Hell ousucks gave up the business. And then there was that tech game...
  2. You ankle-biters don't know what it WAS like. where the hell are my glasses
  3. Dang I'm going to fap to my own post.
  4. Because Slacks little fee-fees were hurt.
  5. I remember Armybrat. He was a good dude.
  6. Pretty sure Surly is Equal Opportunity fap.
  7. This is so wrong. And so Surly.
  8. They were hiding those big tittays under that ugly uniform.
  9. This thread made me realize Bailey has grown up here. She was a street rescue, and all of you assholes made her a good girl. 13 years and OUsucks.
  10. Did someone say MILFtastic?
  11. T-34 is kind of a less bad movie.
  12. I wish someone would pay me $10 million to live in Austin and go to all the football games.
  13. @Steamboat1874 would disagree.
  14. 0 Fuchs given? Yeah, I went there.
  15. Sark is the hottest Armenian that ever corched for Texas. OTOH there is hotter.
  16. TOR

    Fuck Brett Yormark

    You magnificent bastard.
  17. Not sure where this is going, but I have high hopes.
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