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Everything posted by EverywhereMan

  1. Went there primarily to stock up on some four roses single barrel but they were already sold out - got there at about 11:20 AM. Apparently had some earlier. Picked up a couple bottles of angel's envy (reg/rye), classic laddie bruichladdich, and a farmstock wp - all prices lower than total wine/specs by about 10-20%. Was surprised on some - farmstock wp at $55.74 (normally $84.99 at TL - $73.99 at total wine right now). Regular wp was $57.85.
  2. Scales typically in bathrooms... Hamm typically in bathrooms... Anyone know what Hamm is saying?
  3. For the BurYear - I’ve had a little Whisle Ping Old World finished in the PX Sherry Casks that my bro-in-law got me for x-mas. What are y’alls thoughts on the sherry/port finishings? Price grab by the distillers? Regardless - I do think this is delicious.
  4. Anyone got any contacts with texags? I need a video documentary of all this shit so I can inject it STRAIGHT INTO MY VEINS
  5. So let’s be clear. Bru is not going to transfer to Texas just because his friends/parents told him to. And he’s not going to stay at usc because ej or FCB spoiled his announcement. He going to transfer to Texas because matthew mcconaughey told him to. Alright?
  6. EJ not sure if he's telling the truth or not so he's keeping his CB to Texas
  7. bru using twitter at halftime - do. not. want. (still want)
  8. I thought Super K still had "Riley working on it" in regards to murray staying at OU. Would be stupid but the kid isn't smart so...
  9. I believe it is known. But please.... Fuck. Chip. Brown.
  10. If we don’t get Bru McCoy fuck chip brown If we do happen to get Bru McCoy.... awesome, but still - fuck chip brown
  11. How would he know what was going on in Sumlin’s office anyway? He wasn’t allowed near there. Maybe Sumlin’s bathroom?
  12. Lot of shade thrown EJ's way recently... and for good reason - he's an incompetent, pubic-facial hair frappuccino douche who needs to keep his hands off the "Publish page announcing commitment, are you sure?" button. But at least he hasn't single-handedly lost us recruits (yet). Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck Chip Brown.
  13. Stealing the philadelphia eagles font, small a&m symbol, BIG highlight on their $75MM man JIMBO... and no SECSECSEC logo? I guess they're putting their money where their money is...
  14. Plumber (of course), pool guy and pizza guy.
  15. So... what you’re saying is - i’ve already seen this on pornhub.
  16. Is this only on facebook? Can someone please transcode this over to pornhub so I can watch it (facebook is blocked).
  17. Have DirecTVNow and got used to not having the DVR - so the fact that the beta kinda sucks is no big deal to me. Traditional DVRs are going the way of Betamax. The only thing I would use it for is sports. Everything else I would consider watching is on-demand. And hopefully sports catches on to the on-demand thing. I would pay for ESPN’s new channel if I could just open it up on game day and watch the game (any game) anytime I wanted. Near real-time would be fine for me. TL;DR - quit you bitchin’ about DVRs
  18. How big of a fool? A texags Brandon Jones movie type fool?
  19. Obligatory "hope he's into Asian chicks" (and yes, I'm sure he is).
  20. My 2 cents on some of the various advice: Demo/ride a bike first: this depends, when I first got into road cycling I had no idea about - well, anything. Riding different bikes meant nothing to me. Even riding a cross vs road bike meant very little. This was a waste of my time - I simply didn't know what I was looking for. They all felt "fine." Which is to say that I wasn't particularly comfortable on any of them, but I had never really ridden before other than just riding as a kid and well all rode bikes all the time. Even with much more experience I don't think this would help me that much. It *might* help a bit with determining between road/cross/mountain and possibly material, but not much else. And not manufacturer. Road vs cross vs mountain or in-between bikes: this may depend on what you really want to do, but in-between bikes are generally not great. Having said that, that's exactly what I got my wife and she likes hers. If you are primarily going to be on the road, get a road bike. Cross bikes seem like the ideal solution, but they are really meant for cross racing, and you probably are not going to do that. Mountain is great - for mountain biking. But they suck on the road. So this is more of a depends on what you are doing. Aluminum vs Carbon vs Steel: All are great, and all have advantages disadvantages. I won't get into titanium b/c this is $$$, but it is great too. Aluminum will beat you up this most, but you still see pros riding aluminum (well, you would if sponsors would let them and non-protour guys). Aluminum is generally the best bang-for-the-buck. Carbon is great and light, but if you crack the frame you are pretty much out of luck and it is more pricey. Steel has the best ride of any of these (not just my opinion), but can be heavier. All can be expensive - a quality frame is a quality frame regardless of the material. Lighter is generally better, so get the lightest you can afford. And work on losing the heaviest component - you (gut, love-handles, etc.). Groupsets: probably the most important thing, as someone earlier said if you can get Shamino 105 components, that's all you'll ever need. And if you take care of them, with a little maintenance you can hand them down to your kids - they'll last a very long time. Go for the most your budget will allow. Compare different bikes based on their groupsets more than the bike manufacturer. Fit: unless you are seriously getting into triathlon, youtube should tell you all you need to know about fit. It is important, but until you are riding >25 miles it makes little difference. Even then, youtube is your friend. With tribikes it is a different story. Brakes: for road, get rim brakes. Less hassle, and if you are riding something that really needs disc brakes - well, you aren't. Disc brakes are generally hated by most pro road cyclist, they just have to ride them because of bike sponsors ($$). That's for a slightly different reason, but I stand by this. I've had both and never felt the need for the heaver/more expensive/more maintenance brakes. For mountain it's a different story and this is much more important. I live in a very hilly area in Austin and my rim brakes work great. General: Buy used. Craiglist, eBay, friends. Buy in the "offseason" if you can (can be tricky, end of summer probably best). If not used, last years model. Don't get into electronic shifting, it's not worth it and will eventually break or need replacement. Just get mechanical and it will last you a long time. Buy some decent wheels. They'll possibly cost more than your frame, but they are worth it if you want to go faster. But - if you want to go faster, ride faster. It is that simple - nothing will replace it. Buy inexpensive but quality shoes (expect to pay around $80). Buy the cheapest helmet you can find that (in Texas) has a lot of ventilation. Clothing - don't go overboard, just find something that breathes and has some pockets for spare tubes, etc. Cycling shorts - just get something that has some padding, but don't go overboard. Get you butt used to the uncomfortable saddle - it will break-in (your butt and the saddle). Pedals - this may depend on what else you would be doing, but I despise Spd pedals and this is a lot of what you'll find on lower-end bikes. Get some SPD-SL/Look or really anything else - just don't pay a lot (< $50: https://www.rei.com/product/710073/shimano-r540-spd-sl-road-pedals). Even just toe straps to begin with wouldn't be a bad option.
  21. Anyone know why we are only playing 1 OL in the spring game? I mean.. I guess it is because we suck at OL, but we’ve got guys like JP, Cosmi, Hudson, Okafor, etc - if they aren’t all injured that probably aren’t starters. Is it possible Herman meant they would only have 1 with regard to the “drafting” that they’ll be doing, and they’ll be shuffling guys in/out? Or do they just want to see the “unit” perform as one?
  22. Can someone take one for the team and pee in chip brown’s butt? Unless he is into that of course. Thanks.
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