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Everything posted by lilMAC25

  1. +1. Stick with Milroe and he’ll be a top flight collegiate QB in a couple seasons
  2. Uh, I’m not innocent of stupid takes, but this one was a sarcastic joke.
  3. Yeah, it was sarcasm pointed at the usual practice of letting the horse out of the barn then slamming the barn door with a players meeting.
  4. Goodness, it’s a little early for players only meetings, no?
  5. He didn’t step into either, but his feet were set on both (he wasn’t falling away when he threw the ball). That makes a huge difference.
  6. People set the bar way too high and then are too quick to move it even higher where on a big win. Texas plays in the BigXii championship game, that’s a successful season. Anything more is GRAVY.
  7. He’s 2 games into his Jr season… if he continues to produce at this rate for the rest of the season, he’ll be a solid top 3.
  8. The 2021 study showed something like 0.01 increase per 100 plays in chance of injury for FT vs grass. The next year “rocketed” up to 0.013 greater chance of injury over 100 plays. https://sports.yahoo.com/nflpa-says-new-data-shows-turf-fields-still-cause-more-injuries-than-natural-surfaces-171352790.html Thats a small number.
  9. He did well against Rice under blitz (but that is Rice). Gotta hope the pass catchers read the same hots as he does.
  10. Purpose designed when the stadium was built. Where is the space for Dallas or Minnesota or Atlanta to do that? aside from that, nearly every year I see people complain about the state of that field during the season, and especially during college bowl games.
  11. The only concern I have for Ewers any more is injury. If he stays healthy, TEXAS should be ok. I don’t expect any major regression.
  12. Lots of domes out there that won’t support this.
  13. 1) VY 4th down with the National Championship on the line-2006 Rose Bowl 2) 4th and 2 for USC- when we stopped White, everyone in our watch party knew that VY would lead us to victory. 3) VY dominating Michigan in the 05 Rose Bowl 4) 1998 Texas vs Aggy. Ricky busting free for 60 “Hello Record Book!” 5) 2004 the comeback vs OkSt honorable mentions: 2005 In the HorseShoe AT NIGHT. 1999 comeback vs OU 1999 Cotton Bowl (Ricky clobbering Miss St) 2003 VY and Ced wrecking Aggy 2003 Cotton Bowl, Roy Williams destroying LSU 1996 Texas beating Nebraska Roll Right 1995 James Brown and Texas destroying Aggy 2008 Texas destroying Mizzou 2016 Texas beating ND 2022 49-0 2018 Texas physically wrecking UGA 2023 Texas Bama Lots of other great memories, but those really stick out.
  14. That’s where I am. I have hope though. IMHO, the OL played better yesterday than last years Bama game.
  15. Texas just murdered the clock on that drive.
  16. I’m not there yet. I’m on 3rd drive of 3rd Q by Texas offense. This drive (the one with the fumble and advancement by Brooks and then the ball swatted back to Ewers) and the previous one (the one where the Bama DB was pulling Worthy’s jersey from the 5 on into the endzone on the deep ball) the officials were egregiously bad against Texas. On the swatted ball, Ewers crosses the sidelines about 1/2 between the Bama 48 and 49, maybe 3/4 as he’s angled forward going OOB. the official spots it back at the Bama 48 Brooks is stopped 2 plays later by less than 1/2 a yard on 4th and 2.
  17. Rewatching the game again and one of my thoughts is that (overall) the WR blocking (and play design on swing passes and “screens” to the flat for WRs) is light years better from what I remember from late Mack on through Strong and the Herman. yes, Mitchel struggles and Sanders has missed a few in space, but overall there seems to be (I’m not literally going through and writing down each play for deep analysis) much more consistent success and much much more EFFORT from blockers on the outside than I’m used to seeing. (I’ll caveat that in 2018 we had some really willing blockers at WR). This is a continuation from last season, IIRC. Nice to see.
  18. Soooooo… almost never? ETA: how the shit fuck did you lose to OU last season?
  19. Why would we embrace the SEC? We don’t embrace the BigXii, do we? as fans, I feel as though we are (aside from our mutual hatred pact with OU) pretty independent from everyone else and always have been. However, I was in HS when the SWC broke up, so I don’t remember that part. @Armybrat care to comment?
  20. The difference in OL play between the game against Rice vs the game against Bama was pretty obvious. then the in game adjustments against Bama by the defensive players. @Katfid54 (I think) really highlighted this in his thread.
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