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Everything posted by MH BEVO

  1. Poke fun all you want but that thing is a national champion meat judger.
  2. Sounds like a lot of aggy has the flu today
  3. If that’s the case did we offer a scholarship for softball?
  4. “Do what we do” “score points” “play offense and defense” $95 mil plz
  5. EARS. TO. THE. GOD. DAMNED. MAROON. STREETS. and if you listen they’ll whisper **next year is our year**
  6. Wait, is there not a surly swingers party where we trade spouses and recruiting rumors?
  7. Just have Vasek loaded in the chamber to start the weekend and see what falls.
  8. I saw that 247 had him as IOL but On3 had DT. My natural inclination was to trust On3 but saw that both schools had their oline coach listed. All that to say: you’ve ended a mystery I’ve been half assidly trying to figure out. The distance aspect is unfortunate. Austin isn’t that far…
  9. That’s a bummer. Based on the primary recruiters it looks like both schools are thinking offense for him.
  10. So the same people that were convinced that Jimbo was an offensive genius are now going hand pick another offensive genius?
  11. I think it was when Bryce Foster committed he tried (probably at Jimbos behest) to make a backhanded comment about how “Jimbo is building his program the right way” implying we were cheating somehow. This day has been so satisfying. Fuck you Jimbo.
  12. God damn. What a golden opportunity. Big recruiting weekend against a top 5 opponent at night and college game day. AND we are favored. YOU GOT ANY DOG IN YOU OR NOT SARK?
  13. This is a prime opportunity for us to try our hand at aggy propaganda: Last week vs. Florida was the flu. This week vs. Auburn is lingering flu issues. Next week vs UMASS will be “getting the depth chart experience to figure out depth for next year” Final week vs LSU will be “Candi is in midwinter form and the players are dehydrated” Then just don’t acknowledge the portal when it gets busy.
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