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  1. Has the school put anything out on who we are bringing in next year? I know we lose some good ones and moving to the sec will make things a little more difficult.
  2. We made finals in the 4x100. Leo is dominating day 1 of the decathlon.
  3. Track guys have looked pretty good today. Bunch of guys moving on to the championships!
  4. No Leo at the conference meet?
  5. So you’re saying multiple kids from highland park ran sub 4.4? I call BS.
  6. Whats the record? I want to know how fast these white boys are
  7. I would bet it’s true. Soccer background and we know he was athletic. We could have run some great fakes with these dudes haha
  8. Dude has been out there a shot ton. Please tell me this is the last time I will have to see him play?
  9. 247 has a reported 200 at 21.93 which would convert to a 10.88 100, so your 10.9 estimate is spot on.
  10. 247 has Golden as a 10.93. And I believe Worthy ran his 10.55 as a SO.
  11. Well, they kicked the first one deep and it got returned to midfield. [emoji2371]
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