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Kyrie Eleison

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Everything posted by Kyrie Eleison

  1. i'm laughing and i don't give a fuck...
  2. https://www.publicnotice.co/p/comer-smirnov-russian-disinfo-biden-impeachment How Comer and company learned to love Russian disinformation: The Biden bribery smear was obvious Kremlin bullcrap. Republicans don't care. fucking Comer is carrying on this investigation exactly as you would expect from any random backfuck, red-dick KY farmer who's significantly dumber than your avg. mailman.
  3. https://www.threads.net/@jimmykimmellive/post/C3txGngrzpv/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== double think in spades…
  4. holy fucking shit…how to lose your law license in one simple filing. fraud on the court, anyone?
  5. https://www.threads.net/@dcs_coffee_shop/post/C3ez1OfMvK0
  6. i'll bet a mortgage payment that not a single pair of shoes gets shipped to buyers...
  7. that’s doomcasting based on feeling. women are going to crush Trump…and Republicans…this cycle. they’ll be THE sole determinant force and this will be the last cycle where they’re taken for granted by either side.
  8. Dahobbs and his sweetie back in the day...
  9. fucking POS…making up shit to shit talk NATO while opening the door for Pootie simultaneously. https://www.threads.net/@beschlossdc1776/post/C3L2xodMDsO/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  10. could’ve swore he said “cleans inside bowels. “ fuck all hell i was reaching for the phone. could’ve…and dans sure would’ve…used that about 10:30 this morning.
  11. https://www.reddit.com/r/reactiongifs/s/93K1RSNgMH BTO and James Gang…won them during call-ins to KZOM 104.5. best album rock station in the state with the single best bumper sticker of all time…
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