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Disco Missile

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Everything posted by Disco Missile

  1. Yep. And once they're winning regularly, the mysterious difficulties they have with mediocre competition will become frustrating. "We have all the talent we need" and "we should be beating these guys with no problem" will start to be said. Fans will start to complain about 'heart' and 'focus'. They'll question the motivation of the players. And Mack will stand there, beaming, flashing everyone the #1 sign.
  2. You're treating this as a standard schedule but you're forgetting to add in the Charlie variable. First take a sure win and make it an inexplicable loss. Then swap a win with a loss in random games. Next take one sure late season loss once all hope has been abandoned and make it a win. Finally if a game must be won to achieve some postseason goal, it will be a loss.
  3. Continuing with Tarantino: Natural Born Killers was based off of a Tarantino script, with the strong critique of the media element added by Oliver Stone. Tarantino originally had only good things to say but more recently has been very negative towards it. Still, you can clearly see the Tarantino elements in the movie right down to some of the character names.
  4. This is a strange position. Olbermann was a big name on MSNBC. You don't have to watch Rachel Maddow to know who she is and what she stands for. If tomorrow she's recapping the day's sports, you wouldn't just forget her MSNBC days. I mean. Why does that need to be explained?
  5. I hope so. I like to have sports shit on in the background when I'm working and when political shit comes on it ruins my zen. The first instance I remember is Keith Olbermann. I used to watch him as a kid on SportsCenter. He wasn't bad. But then he's on MSNBC taking potshots at conservative politicians like a parody of his ESPN days. Then he's back on ESPN. You spend enough time taking argumentative positions and you become associated with them. I hated seeing him on ESPN after that and I'd change whatever show he was on. Then ESPN got a whole new crop of talking heads just like him. If they move on from that I say it's a good thing. But so long as the news media reports on whatever is trending on Twitter, we're doomed to politics being mixed up in everything it doesn't belong in.
  6. This episode won't age well. It was a visual spectacle and advanced the necessary plot points, but it was a massive departure from previous GoT episodes. Here's just one detail among the multitude, some which have been mentioned already. Let's look at some major character death scenes and see if you can spot the difference between them and the ones from Ep 3: Deaths before S8: - Jon Snow: in a surprise twist, murdered by his friends. Dies silently while his blood darkens the snow. - Oberyn Martell: In a surprise twist, murdered by a nearly defeated Mountain. Dies screaming. - Rickon Stark: In an mild twist, murdered by Ramsay Bolton. Dies gasping and clutching for air while Jon Snow watches just a few feet away. - Ygritte: In a twist, killed by Olly in battle. Dies in Jon Snow's arms. - Robb/Talisa/Catelyn: In a huge twist, murdered by the Freys at the Red Wedding. All die horrible deaths. - Ned Stark: In a huge twist (the first of many), sentenced to death by King Joffery. Dies worried about his kids. - Shireen: In a twist, burned to death by her parents. Dies screaming. - Littlefinger: In a twist, sentenced to death by the Starks. Dies choking after Arya cuts his throat. - Hodor: In a huge twist, killed by wights while holding a door to let Bran escape. Dies a horrible death as he's torn slowly to pieces. - And so many more. Tommen, Myrcella, Renly, Balon, Ramsay, Roose. You get the point. Now let's look at S8 deaths: Ep 1 - Lord Ned Umber: In a twist, murdered and turned into a wight by the Night King. Dies screaming when Beric burns him back to death. Ep 3 - Edd: Killed in battle by a wight while heroically saving Sam. - Beric: Killed in battle by wights while heroically saving Arya. - Lyanna Mormont: Killed in battle by a wight giant after heroically stabbing it in the eye with a dragonglass blade. - Jorah Mormont: Killed in battle by wights after heroically saving Daenerys. - Theon: Killed by the Night King after heroically defending Bran. (edited to add him. Guess I forgot this one already) It's clear. This isn't the GoT that existed for the first 7 seasons. The first three episodes of season 8 have completely subverted everything the previous seasons have established. The overarching menace of the Night King, which Jon Snow harped on about for years, was defeated in a single night. Instead of tragic awful deaths we get glorious hero deaths. Wars are no longer simply miserable endeavors full of unintended consequences and multitudes suffering for the selfish desires of a few. Now they're heroic and virtuous. And to top it off, Cersei was right all along and now she has the larger army after Dany and the Northerners did the dirty work for her. This episode was just a traditional tv battle between the forces of good and the forces of evil. The only thing surprising about it was how quickly the evil was defeated.
  7. Sansa fans should have something to consider. She was in the crypt, holding a dragon glass blade and hiding with Tyrion. Meanwhile Daenarys was in a sword fight with wights and going head-to-head with the NK and his dragon. Sansa gives Daenarys side eye. Daenarys never held a sword before.
  8. Who invaded the North better? The Night King? Or the Greyjoys?
  9. Just what the episode deserved. The NK was like Mike Tyson and last night was the Buster Douglas fight.
  10. This episode was like a great blow job and then she rakes your tip with her teeth just as you blow. NK went out like a bitch. We thought Cersei was the distraction and the NK was the real deal. Turns out NK was just a chump. He took out a dragon, a wall, a eunuch, a little girl, an old man, some acquaintances, and a crapload of extras. He looked tough but it was all lies. Dude went down like Snoke. Winter was coming for 9 years and it was supposed to be the storm of the century but Westeros got some climate change and now it's over.
  11. I don't know what you're referencing, unless it was the comments about Weiss and Benioff getting sloppy over the last few seasons. And that's pretty self-evident.
  12. Euron's Iron Fleet makes zero sense. First he showed up as a legendary pirate with a single ship - the Silence. Then he's elected king and Yara steals the Iron Fleet. Euron says they'll rebuild, but there are no trees visible in the Iron Islands so how he plans to do that is anyone's guess. Next he shows up with a huge fleet and destroys Yara's fleet - which was the original Iron Fleet - formerly one of the largest in Westeros. And it's unclear what happens to the fleet from the Reach. Some of the ships Daenarys sailed from Essos had the livery of the Reach fleet and she was allied with Olenna and Dorne so maybe the Reach fleet was also destroyed at the same time the Iron Fleet was? Anyhow, the fleet from the Reach was every bit the equal of the Iron Fleet. So Euron maybe destroyed the two greatest fleets in Westeros with a fleet he cobbled together with the scraps Yara left.
  13. Thoughts on the season so far: We started out rough but winning 5 in a row, including one over the Dodgers and two over the D Backs has me in a better mood. Morrow being out past May sucks. Carl's Jr or Montgomery need to come back in good form. We'll need them. None of our SPs are going to be challenging for any awards this year, but you would think it's gotta be one of the most solid 1-5 rotations out there. It doesn't show. Rizzo. Where's the bat. Baez is still the most exciting player in baseball. I love everything about his game. Just watching him is worth the price of admission.
  14. Three feet high and rising. You know, we haven't seen any strategy from the NK other than your run-of-the-mill army of the dead just run and kill everything full frontal attacks. Hardhome and Fist of the First Men were surprise attacks, so there's that, but Winterfell isn't. He may not be a gifted military mind after all. And the other white walkers may or may not have any initiative, like a bunch of cold wispy Grouchy's to the NK's Napoleon.
  15. On the face of it, Sansa turned Reek back into Theon, and Theon killed Ramsay's side piece and then risked his own life to try to help her escape - to the point of surrendering to the Bolton pursuers, knowing he would be taken back to face Ramsay's punishments. But going deeper this episode completed the transformation of Sansa from victim to ice cold player taking charge of her own destiny, and Theon's from wimpy boasting brat to Reek to a man who has overcome his fears. I think that is the undercurrent of emotion being shown here. I'll admit that the first time I saw them all lovey I was like wtf? But thinking about it more it makes sense. I still don't like Theon though. Or Jaime.
  16. If there was an established form of government maintaining order that could decide these things, maybe so, once he was legitimized. But there's not. Some recognized authority would have to make him legitimate for it to be a consideration. Right, and none of the claims really matter. GRRM is pretty clear on this. Claims are shit. Only power and the ability to take and hold the throne matter. During the 300 years of Targaryen rule there were times when the succession wasn't clear, but there was always a power structure of sorts trying to find the most legitimate ruler and offer them the crown. But those days are over and Westeros is in chaos so it's everyone for themselves.
  17. Look you twits, line of succession doesn't matter. Here's what the rightful line of succession would look like if rights were preeminent in Westeros after the death of Aerys: Targaryen line: [Aerys] --- [Rhaegar] --- [Aegon] (killed by Gregor Clegane) --- Jon (Aegon) --- [Rhaenys] (killed by Gregor Clegane) --- [Viserys] --- Daenerys But instead Robert killed Rhaegar, Jaime killed Aerys, and Gregor killed the children, Jon was hidden, and Viserys and Daenerys were secreted away to Pentos. So here's what the line of succession would have looked like after Robert: [Robert Baratheon] --- [Joffery] --- [Tommen] --- [Myrcella] --- legitimized bastard of Robert --- [Stannis Baratheon] --- [Shireen] --- [Renly] Obviously, no one followed this and in any event, all the heirs are dead and none of the bastards were legitimized - yet. So with the Baratheon line of succession dead and the Targaryen line of succession on the outside looking in it comes down to power and Cersei has it. It has nothing to do with her being queen or being married to Robert or the mother of Joffery and Tommen. She has the biggest army and there's no one to tell her no.
  18. The line of succession doesn't matter. Cersei had no claim, since spouses are considered only on the basis of their own claims, and women always come after men in the order. Likewise, Aegon the Conqueror had no claim. Robert had no claim. Renly had no claim. Jaime has no claim. Daenarys has no real claim either. And none of that matters because only power and the ability to win the throne count.
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