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Disco Missile

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Everything posted by Disco Missile

  1. Haunting of Hill House was scary as shit. F#$% The first 5 or 6 episodes kept to the themes of the book (loneliness, estrangement, mental health, etc.) and the book is simply a masterpiece. The last episodes kind of veered off into friendly ghost fighting the bad ghost trope territory and was more about family and emotional connections, but the twists and reveals were still powerful enough to shock you. Finished it last night. I was creeped out as shit. Middle of the night my daughter comes and stands next to my bed because she had a bad dream and I wake up to see this tiny little shadow standing silently a few inches from my head and I nearly had a heart attack.
  2. Nailed it. Season 8 Episode 2 was not what I wanted or needed.
  3. This dude is hilarious. It's funny he touched on something one of my (two) black nerd friends and I were talking about. Incoming csb My BNF: those northerners are racist. Me (white male): why? BNF: you see the way they were looking at Grey Worm and Missandei? Me: the same way they were looking at everyone? BNF: no man, look *rewinds scene* Me: that's how they look at Daenerys too. I mean, for 7 seasons they've been saying Northerners hate outsiders. They hate Dany. They hate Tyrion. They hate the Unsullied. They hate Varys. They hate Jamie. BNF: *now glaring at me and shaking his head* Me: you think Grey Worm and Missandei are special because they're black? BNF: *presses play, mutters* The good news is we're still friends. But he's still mad.
  4. Very subtle. Like Stannis/Robert/Renly/usurper/Joffrey is all Lannister/Cersei is the queen now subtle.
  5. Did you not love Star Wars VII and VIII? Let me spin my Magic 8 Ball of dismissive responses: - Another middle aged probably white fanboy that can't let go of the past. This movie wasn't made for you. - If Rey was a man you wouldn't be complaining - It's a work of fiction about space samurai wizards. Get over it. - All of it is explained in the graphic novel. - The movie made $9,000,000,000,000,000.00 But I agree with you. I've never been less excited about a Star Wars movie. My kids don't even like them.
  6. I don't recall the symbols being used in the books (admittedly it's been a while since I read them) but I remember watching the directors narrating an episode and when it got to the symbol in S1 E1 he said something like "and here's a symbol by the White Walkers showing that they're not just dumb zombies." It was kind of a let down. The show just uses the symbols as a visual cue that the NK is sentient. I don't get the impression that there's more to it than that outside of fanboy internet theories.
  7. Did you guys see the part where they burned a kid on tv, and no one even blinked an eye because of the context? This is how this show works. It hides things in plain sight and you don't notice until it's too late.
  8. And Mara Jade too, with Luke's baby.
  9. Jon: there's great power in my family. I have it. My father had it. My....auntie....has it. Dany: I know. Somehow, I've always know.
  10. She'll go full mad queen because the NK will poke her with his ice pick.
  11. Maybe you're approaching this show like a 17 year old with his first reliable piece of ass: attacking it with everything you've got trying to get your nut because you know this isn't gonna last and you want to beat every bit of pleasure out of it right goddamn now. That's one way to do it, but you're missing a lot of things that are just as enjoyable along the way. I'll agree that the episode was kind of clumsy. Maybe it's because GRRM hasn't made the source material yet. I think it's because they're trying to do to much. They want to show us battles and resolve every loose end, which is a monumental task for one season, and some of the subtext is getting cut. And this is where your imagination needs to come in and flesh out the stories for yourself. Dany has lived her adult life under the assumption that she was destined to rule Westeros and she's suffered unimaginable things to get to where she's at right now, only to meet some sneering northern girl and her weird little sister with the blank stare. Dany loves Jon, but her eyes are on winning and becoming a great queen. But Jon's family is weird AF, and she doesn't even know the biggest news out there yet. I was okay with the dragon riding because this isn't just a story about war and treachery. It's also a story about love. Jon and Dany have found it, and if life was fair they would be able to enjoy it. That moment on the dragons may be the last they get and I think it was meant to give them a moment for that very reason. How is the audience supposed to know they are in love if we never see it? Likewise, Sansa is an ambitious bitch. She's endured unimaginable horrors to get to where she is only to find a sister that half wants to kill her, one brother that can't rule, and another that doesn't really want to and is also a bit of a fool. So she thinks she's the only one able to lead effectively and will need to save everyone from themselves and each other. In comes Dany and it's just one more problem. I'm not excusing the writing. They could do better. But like I said they're trying to do a lot. If you want to enjoy this season you're going to have to think about what's going on rather than just expecting it to be handed to you like it was in previous seasons.
  12. Yes but waiting on new material to bump again. Could be just a bit longer. GRRM says any day now.
  13. That is maybe the most unique color scheme in all of college sports. And I like it. A lot.
  14. Okay guys, I want to get all my predictions out prior to the start of the final season so that I can come back and see how wrong I was at the end. Here goes nothing: Major characters: Daenerys and Jon: I'm listing them together because I believe their fates are intertwined. My prediction is that they will either die together, or live on in some sort of exiled status. Jon has been resurrected from the dead by the Red God so I doubt he can have children. Dany claims she lost her ability to have children after the blood magic debacle with Mirri Maz Duur. Those facts together with Dany's vision in the House of the Undying where she went north of the wall and went into a tent with Khal Drogo and their baby foreshadows either her death north of the wall, or her exile there. Jon obviously has some connection to the Night King and although I believe he will play the decisive role in the war with him, I also believe it will be the end of his reign. I'm hesitant to say that they'll both die. I think maybe they go on living by virtue of some magic. It will also be the end of the Targaryen dynasty, ushering in a new era in both Westeros and Essos. The Starks: Sansa - I'm just gonna say it. I think Sansa is going to do a face-heel turn. Throughout the series she's consistently said she wants to be queen and have power and authority. From S1 E1 to last season she has never really changed who she really is, she's just had to recalibrate based on her circumstances. She's like Cersei and Littlefinger, only better. I think she ends up as the Lady of Winterfell and is one of the last people standing. Arya - I think she kills the Mountain, but not Cersei, and she probably hooks up with Gendry although I doubt they get married and move into a castle happily ever after. She's a killer and an adventurer and, if she lives, I don't see her settling down. Also, there's the Faceless Men sideplot and I imagine that plays a role. Bran - Bran won't make it. As a plot device, obviously once he learns to properly control his powers he has the ability to reveal the truth of everything and win the war against the Night King. But then what? That would be a frightening person to have around, no matter who you are. If he does live, I bet he goes off with Meera to live in the Neck or to the Isle of Faces. The Lannisters: Cersei - I think the heaviest action of the season will be focused on her and the defense of King's Landing. I think we see some Nazi-level evil from her before it's over, and I think Jamie kills her. Jamie - I think he kills Cersei and becomes the Azor Ahai. It has to do with Jojen seeing the flaming hand in his vision and Jamie's golden hand. I think Jamie may reforge Ice and kill Cersei with it to make Lightbringer. Tyrion - Man, this one is tough because there isn't a lot to go on here. I think Tyrion is a Targaryen too, the bastard son of Aerys. I think at some point he abandons Dany and Jon and goes back to his brother and sister and has some role in Cersei's death. I'll make a total guess about his ultimate fate and say that he lives and becomes a ruler. The Night King: The only idea I have about the Night King's motivations are that he has foreseen the rise of the Azor Ahai and the Three Eyed Raven and is moving to kill Bran, Jamie, and Jon. Bran because of his power. Jamie because he is the Prince who was Promised. Jon because he's a servant of the Red God and peed in his Wheaties. Minor Characters: Varys - Like Sansa, I think Varys is going to do a major face-heel turn. I think Varys has been serving the Night King from the beginning. It was why he came to Westeros and is behind everything he has been doing since he got there. Varys fears the Red God more than anything else because of what happened to him, and he knows more than anyone in Westeros aside from Bran (which is a recent development). I think he has created the circumstances to entice to Night King to invade, and will turn out to be a servant of his in order to destroy the Red God and all of his followers. Varys will betray Jon and Dany and Tyrion and everyone else before the end. He probably hopes to survive, but he won't. I think this may be alluded to in the throw away line from Old Nan about the Night King's 'pack of pale white spiders' in S1. Maybe not, but it would be funny in retrospect if true. Sam - Sam is one of the ones that I think lives to the end. He's smart, and he's a survivor. He and Gilly make it. Their child, Little Sam, may not. I suspect the Night King may want Little Sam back, since he was supposed to be tribute from Craster. Mountain - The Mountain has become little more than a terrifying prop for the past few seasons. He's big and scary and menacing, but there's not much else to him. I think he and Arya will face off in an epic duel and that Arya wins. Probably not without a heavy cost. The Red God faction: I think this group - which includes Melisandre, Beric, the Hound, Kinvara, and maybe others before the end - will be a critical subplot to the Season 8 action. I think a lot of the war with the Night King turns out to be a war between him and R'hollor, with R'hollor winning in the end. Although I don't think the White Walkers will come to an end. I think they end up leaving Westeros peacefully. Qyburn - Here's my other huge plot twist. I think Qyburn turns the population of King's Landing into zombies like the Mountain to deny the Night King any fresh recruits. Cersei allows him to commit this atrocity because she'd rather rule over dead people than no one at all. I don't think it works, though, and I think Arya kills the Mountain, Jamie kills Cersei, and Qyburn is probably killed in a wildfire explosion that levels the city and destroys most of the Night King's army. The rest - The rest of the characters are sentimental favorites and we care what happens to them, but in the end whether they live or die isn't critical to the plot. Basically I think most of the warrior characters are killed and most of the political characters survive. So Davos, Theon, Missandei, and maybe Pod, Grey Worm, and Gendry live. Euron, Brienne, Tormund, Bronn, Jorah, and Yara probably die. Their fates will all be good television but if they ultimately matter more than a side note to the main story I'll be surprised. So that's it. Years of thinking about it and finally we get to see what's up starting tonight.
  15. This right here. I like to think that most people are sensible but there is a large portion of people sensitive enough to register concern any time a POC or LBGT person is the subject of criticism. Most of those people can differentiate between valid criticisms based on their merits and invalid criticisms based on their nature. But not all. Then there is a very small percentage of people that sound the klaxons any time this happens, regardless of how justified the criticisms are. This group is usually connected, savvy, and eager for the attention for one reason or another, and whether they do it sincerely, in order to promote an issue or person they like, or just because they like to watch the world burn, occasionally their gossip mongering finds fertile soil and it takes off. That's what happened here. Some idiots dismissed Red as a racist and other people sensitive to the fact that Charlie was our first black HC took the bait.
  16. Hell of a game by Tceh. I'm kind of happy for them. Beard mostly, tbh. But good on 'em
  17. He should've said: "I don't have any doubt that Charlie is a fine coach. I think he would make a great position coach, maybe a coordinator. And I ain't saying that just because he's black, neither."
  18. So much of this is reminiscent of the Strong days in football. Beat a top ranked team, then trip repeatedly over your own dick and lose to a third rate nobody. Get smoked in conference play, but play the rivals hard. Splotchy play from the stars, but the locker room is like family! So much love! A real connection to the coach! Mediocre seasons and a promised land that's always jussst out of reach. Too soon. Screw this clown. We dominate in conference next year and I'll think again.
  19. Looks like this thread lasts another year
  20. The mighty Lipscomb dynasty has finally come to an end. I'm happy we won something. Mostly happy we kept TCU from winning anything. And I'm sad that Shaka got retained after this shitty season for this consolation prize. It's like two consolation prizes.
  21. A friend messaged this to me. This scene weirded me out too lol
  22. Are you guys being thick on purpose? Even fiction has rules, especially as applies to believability. That's why Stephen King can write a story about a killer monster clown that lives in the sewer, and you worry about whether or not the main characters survive. Because when he wrote about the main characters, he used a lot of realism and made it believable. Pointing out flaws in the areas meant to be realistic within a work of fiction is valid, because it usually snaps you back to reality and ruins the illusion the artist intended to create. Authors, directors, and artists face that sort of criticism all the time and usually welcome it because it makes their story better. Being dismissive of that (defensively?) is pretty silly.
  23. Surviving a nose-in crash landing in a jet fighter didn't do it for you? And that was before CAROL had any powers. Plowed the jet into the ground. Hopped out to check on her friend. But her friend in the back seat, directly behind her, was dying. Edit: also, in the part you're talking about, what's up with the daughter telling her mom to go on a suicide mission to set a good example? I totally wtf'd at that part. Several times in this film I thought we were being trolled.
  24. Triple Frontier is pretty good. Nothing flashy. Seems like they left a lot out there because the cast has 4 heavy hitters and one journeyman actor. I do get tired of movies painting veterans as victims. It seems like Hollywood is still stuck in the Vietnam era. Movies about warriors from other times and civilizations don't have this problem and can even portray a certain nobility. But modern warriors need to be damaged. It seems out of touch.
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