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Disco Missile

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Everything posted by Disco Missile

  1. Winning always beats losing. But there had better be some serious conversations this weekend and some real changes come Monday. No more lip service. Shit needs to change.
  2. 2 years ago we were happy to have a winning season. Perspective.
  3. I don't understand the O line. Maybe just need some new personnel in there. OU exposed Shack and Angilau, which left Kerstetter on an island. Kerstetter is good not great. But no one is playing well tonight. Sam's stats look good, but he's not playing like he was last year. He looks timid and jumpy in the pocket. The defense sucks mostly because of injuries and a young team. But the lack of pressure by our front guys is the biggest problem. Get pressure in college ball and everything else is okay.
  4. Because it's more than the head coach. The two schools you mentioned are colleges that are built around a football team.
  5. I think Herman was just controlling his emotions. Maybe it's because I was in the military, but it doesn't impress me to watch a grown man use aggressive body language and his best outside voice in a professional setting. He's either putting on a show, which is bad unless it's for a good reason, or he can't control himself, which is bad always. A man says what he's going to do and does it, or doesn't, and that's how you measure him. That was a piss poor game and Herman obviously needs to make changes, and he knows that. We'll see if he makes the right changes or not.
  6. This was the first game in the Herman era I felt like the other team was tougher and meaner, especially on the lines. We didn't even let LSU push us around like that, and they have better athletes up front than OU does.
  7. Our young and thin secondary allows a team with some ability to throw it deep a chance to hang with us even if we dominate on the LOS and score lots of points. WVU hasn't shown an ability to throw deep consistently. I think we cover.
  8. Here's something I can't abide: WVU owns the all-time head-to-head 5-3 including 3 of the last 4. CHANGE THIS HERMAN. Thank you.
  9. I always go to the German food place for Shiners and brats. Problem is I never can remember how to get there when I'm sober. Maybe that's not a problem.
  10. "Eh, I don't think Charlie's very good." "That's very racist of you, racist."
  11. I loved the win. It was bigger than the final score even if they were never out of it. We aren't an elite team but we've steadily improved year after year despite a lot of high profile departures. We have lots of young talent on this team and a good group of upperclassmen that do enough to win. So what if there are still some kinks to work out? We're f@#$ing winning!!!
  12. TFW you take suspensions but still win championships
  13. I guess this is it. But it's an emotional response to an event rather than a reasonable and well-developed position, and that's exactly the type of government we are living through currently - and I'm not fond of it. That said I remember growing up in blue Texas and how the Luby's shooting and restrictive firearms laws turned Texas red in the 90s. Maybe this will swing it the other way.
  14. I'm curious about this for several reasons. Not least due to the fact that he opposed this when he ran for Senate. But this speaks not just to banning AR-15s (or assault rifles in general), but to actually taking them. This is the practical equivalent of Trump promising to build a wall and having Mexico pay for it. It's not going to happen without a supportive Congress and a radical change of direction in the Judicial Branch. Put bluntly, Beto's either full of stuff or he's insane, and yet, he got a lot of support for this. As a guy hoping for a return to sensible government, this doesn't bode well.
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