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UT Lawnghorn

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Everything posted by UT Lawnghorn

  1. I mean I guess it's a possibility but if you're Orlando, why would you wait for that when good college jobs come open every year? Still doesn't make any sense.
  2. You sure you read the article? It says an unnamed source tipped them off, so they didn't just figure this out because they were scouring twitter. Are you assuming that unnamed source is a random twitter follower who spent all his time tracking this stuff, because the idea that the unnamed source is someone who knew Colangelo was doing this (and probably has something to gain from Colangelo's fall) makes a lot more sense.
  3. I think he just meant that them retiring would set off a string of openings, i.e. Dabo to Bama, Frost to Clemson, then maybe Orlando to Nebraska, or something like that. Idk. Either way, it doesn't make any sense to me. There's already a string of openings every single year because a lot of coaches get fired after 3-4 years, and I'm not sure the year that one of Saban or Meyer retiring would really be that much different. Just look at all the moves that happened this past offseason. If Orlando has success here this year and next, he'll likely be able to find a really good HC offer, probably even better than the UH job he was willing to take two years ago.
  4. Has anyone who's not a season ticket holder gotten their ticket allocation for the regional yet?
  5. I'm just waiting for us to find out that he's missing his foreign language requirement.
  6. Glad to see he's putting that prestigious aggy MBA degree to good use. I mean seriously, he got an MBA so he could sell insurance to other aggys who will blindly do whatever he says because aggy network. Unreal. You don't even need a bachelor's degree for that. Just go find one of the thousands of lost aggy rings floating around the North Houston suburbs and tell folks you went to aggy and they'll line up to buy insurance on their cookie cutter homes and lifted F-150s.
  7. Yep. She will undoubtedly make the rollercoaster go higher and crash harder, while also adding some really kinky, uncomfortable shit in along the way. Basically she's going to make them even more aggy than they already are, which is disturbing and amazing all at the same time.
  8. I think there's a definite possibility the defense is better, but Poona, Malik, Elliott, and Hill all played NFL-quality football last year. That's not easy to replace, so I'm not going to expect the defense to improve but it could. I think the DL will hold up fairly well, and Taquon Graham's development will determine if it's elite or just good. If he can be a force inside, our DL could be dominant. My main concern is depth, especially at LB and CB. If GJ goes down, we'll be in some trouble. At CB, we'll be relying a ton on guys who've never taken college snaps before. We have talent there, but the question is how long it will take for that talent to be ready to play.
  9. I'm always amazed at how much trouble people have tracking the original comment, be it Orlando isn't likely to be here when 2019 kids play, i.e. 2021, or Giles isn't a good recruiter, Herman should do more to help him turning into people responding as to why Giles shouldn't be fired. I hope Orlando stays here for 10 years. The data on successful coordinators at big time schools indicates otherwise. I'll also be interested to see how our D does this year. I think Orlando can flat out coach and I expect our defense to take a small step back from where it was last year, which would cement in my mind that Orlando is a great coach. I don't see our defense being significantly worse than last year, but not many people foresaw Diaz's defense sucking ass in year 2, either. I think there a ton of reasons why Orlando is different than Diaz but regardless, this year will be big in terms of confirming what a lot of us believe about Orlando. Right now, we're working with a pretty small data set. He's got less depth and less experienced talent than he had last year (and likely than he will for the foreseeable future), so if he can make things work this year, we should be in good shape for as long as he's here.
  10. That's never good to hear. Hopefully it's as simple as re-taking a course in the early part of summer.
  11. Regardless of what they do, can we just stop losing to these STD-ridden chodes? Dropping 2 of the last 3 to them is just fucking ridiculous.
  12. Better be careful or the Law Office of South Austin, LLP's Yelp rating could take a huge hit. Just ask that guy that runs the Eskimo Huts.
  13. Idk about this. LBJ has absolutely controlled Cleveland's roster moves since he came back and a lot of their currenty shitty team is on him, but I don't remember him having that type of control over the Cavs his first time there. Sure, he expressed his opinion on players and the FO listened, like what happens with most all-time greats, but I don't recall Lebron being nearly as in control of the situation his first go around as you're making him out to be.
  14. Tl; dr response: I mean, no duh? I honestly have no clue why this stuff even has to be said, but here we are. First off, I've seen plenty of film from different Opening Regional. I've never seen a kid try to run in tennis shoes, so you can cross that concern off your list. Obviously, you have to control for all factors and you can't directly compare one regional testing to the other. Getting every kid in the country in the same testing spot is clearly not possible, but they do SPARQ testing at the Opening Finals, so that at least gives an avenue to compare a lot of the best kids in the country. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear Ellis got invited, so this is the best info we have. I never said Jaylen Ellis would definitely have the 27th best time in the country no matter what or that he's definitively faster than a kid who tested at the Houston regional, but his score shows he has good athleticism regardless, which is the only opinion I expressed.
  15. EJ's clearly being a huge homer considering this is what Perroni said about Gbenda literally this morning. You ags sure are sharp.
  16. I have no doubt they'll find a way to claim their class was #1 or #2 regardless of where they end up in any rankings.
  17. At least at the HS level it is. Vertical jump is a good measure of explosiveness, which generally translates to being able to create separation off the line of scrimmage, like you mentioned. For the NFL combine, the 3 cone drill is probably the best mobility test for most positions, especially WRs and pass rushers but I haven't seen any HS event that times that. The 10 yard split is also good but again, HS events don't seem to time that. None of the tests are going to be a perfect indicator, but Ellis's film matched with his testing numbers indicates a really good athlete who has the physical skills to succeed at the college level.
  18. I'm guessing you're talking about the Orlando thing? With our 2018 safety class, these 2019 guys probably aren't going to be called on to play big roles until about 2021, maybe 1 or 2 of them in 2020. That's 3-4 seasons from now. Maybe Orlando stays an extremely long time like Kirby Smart did but that's the exception. Most elite coordinators are only at a place like UT for a few years before they're hired away as a HC. Guys like Jeremy Pruitt, Dan Mullen, Scott Frost, Chad Morris, etc. That's the type of trajectory Orlando's on right now. Maybe he falls off of that trajectory, but even then, odds are he doesn't stay at UT either way. Or if he does with less success, then you'll still definitely care about the type of talent we bring in.
  19. "Crandall’s Branson Bragg is a big target on the interior but the Aggies are a bit behind Texas and Stanford at the moment." Anytime you see Perroni acknowledge Texas as ahead of A&M for a recruit, you know we're in a very good spot.
  20. I will also add that the odds of Orlando being around by the time 2019 recruits are expected to play meaningful roles are slim to none, which is just another reason why the level of talent we sign matters and saying, "I don't care who we sign because Orlando" doesn't make much sense at all. TFB seems to be pacing the field at this point with OB not even realizing there's a race going on.
  21. I dont know how anyone could be upset with that class, especially considering the studs we signed the year before. There are so many internal contradictions in this post. Almost everyone pays their coaches a fuck ton of money. Plenty of them don't get it done. Part of getting it done is about who you sign. Just because you have good coaches doesn't mean they'll create a great product if they're not signing talent, so if you care about whether or not they get it done, then you should care about who they sign. Also, if that's your attitude, then why are you on the recruiting thread? They have tests for that. It's called the 40 yard dash and shuttle. Plus, vertical jump measures explosiveness. Here's Ellis' results: 6'0, 181, 40: 4.59, shuttle: 4.20, VJ: 36.5. Those are all very good numbers. He finished with the 27th best SPARQ score in the country. https://www.theopening.com/national-leaderboard
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