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Immaculate Vibes

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Everything posted by Immaculate Vibes

  1. Thread policing is hard. Can’t win them all. Your sacrifice is noted.
  2. Not sure if this video is truly from Ukraine but pretty wild
  3. One thing that I am really surprised by is the lack of cyber warfare capability being deployed by Russia. I have limited knowledge of this, but always had the impression that the one area that Russia was truly world class was cyber warfare. And their websites are getting borked and Ukrainians still have power and internet sending videos and intel out. Very strange to me.
  4. Agreed. I have been critical in the past, and they have deserved it, but their assessments appear to be right on wrt Russia/Ukraine. May be another sign that Russia as a military/geopolitical adversary is overrated.
  5. This may be the same explosion How great is Twitter? You get up to date wartime video from the handle @pussyrobbery
  6. This is big hole in the argument comparing Putin’s potential to Hitler. Germany had spent years becoming an industrial powerhouse and building out their military. Russia today is just not on the level economically that’s necessary to sustain a campaign of aggressive expansion.
  7. This is my point. I always assumed they were affiliated with our government somehow. If that’s known or suspected by the Russians then we’re wading into this a bit further.
  8. Anonymous is just a plant by our Intelligence Community correct?
  9. I mean Putin is bringing up shit that is decades old.
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