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Everything posted by TurkeyChew

  1. Socialism can be good (e.g. National defense). It’s also not a hammer and every problem is not a nail.
  2. Sorry should have said compulsory public school because I didn’t realize you’d go out of your way to argue pedantically.
  3. Gourmand this question is specifically for you: Public school is funded by us all no matter our need and free to those who need it; how is this not socialized education just on technical definition? Ill edit to add if it helps you, there is equally nothing wrong with calling our military “socialized national defense”. Do you have a problem with that term as well?
  4. Why does having a different belief than you mean that I should be banned? Why are you so censorious? Do you think I don’t honestly hold this belief and am just saying it to rile you up but in real life my kids go to the local public school?
  5. Dude, not sure why that triggered you. As a few have echoed it’s a known and widely held belief and not a wrong one from what I perceive. Sorry you disagree and have no tolerance for matters of taste and opinion. Nobody is saying you can’t send YOUR kids to public school. Public school is funded by us all no matter our need and free to those who need it; how is this not socialized education just on technical definition?
  6. The government’s job is first and foremost to protect its sovereignty and keep citizens safe from outside harm. Is this even debatable? Why else would you want a Federal Government in the early days?
  7. Is that a joke? Public school is 100% socialized education and something to be avoided to the highly discerning family man of today.
  8. It’s actually not trolling, it’s politics. Multiple admissions that what is being justified and rationalized today would be blasted four years ago, with respect to other issues. It’s 100% team based and hypocritical in a “complain when they do it, “but Trump” when we do it” brand of political gambitry.
  9. This is ignorant. The only thing more ignorant you could have said would be “BBB is already paid for because I have seen and trust the government’s agenda and analysis that says so and bureaucratic financial prowess with budgets and money management is best in breed and government rarely over promises and underdelivers!”
  10. I think you have confused yourself, based on this last post.
  11. Read those tweets. He’s not wrong in this particular instance.
  12. Ultimately the lack of a distinction, or maybe it’s an understanding, between extremely basic and foundational things like “profit” and “price” and “costs”, is the problem.
  13. I mean, are there companies who are benefiting from inflation and able to lift prices under it as a guise? I’m sure there are. Are there publicly traded, highly scrutinized and audited organizations hiking prices under a false flag of inflation while their costs are the same or decreasing (leading to profit growth)? What industry would those conditions even exist? Looking at what is driving inflation on those charts it’s Energy and Cars, right? So let’s take a quick look at leaders in O&G and Auto categories: Exxon in 2020: lost ~24bn Exxon in 2021: profit ~24bn — Jim Farley (CEO of Ford) whose stock price is/was recently the highest it’s ever been in the storied history of Ford, has repeatedly and on record threatened dealerships who price gouge and take advantage of inflation and choked supply with being cut off from Ford inventory. But let’s tweet that big business makes a lot of money in volume and their percentages YoY are up because coming out of the worst of Covid because it’s politically provocative.
  14. I’ve seen a few posts like this. I’ve responded to them all in order to try to dig deeper and have a discussion. Unsurprisingly nobody has responded because these are always extremely provocative tweets (and it’s always tweets) that are lies/half truths. Did you read her 7 tweets on this topic? She references some quotes on earning calls, out of context, and with nothing to tie back to her original clickbait tweet. I feel like some level of business education should be a pre-req for people these days, but the fact she has to explain who these companies are and what they do/sell, just tells me she’s trying to stoke fear and anger in poor people for her own agenda. This is the best response: “Did they say anything about changes to their COGS/input prices?”
  15. If you disregard that you have to take the good with the bad (e.g. you take credit for when the economy does well even though it's outside of a President's control) I'm not sure that any politician/President would have been able to avoid this PR headache as you state. That said, spending trillions on "human infrastructure" probably wouldn't have helped. I don't think you'll see many people lining up to thank Joe Manchin (or any GOPers) for helping Biden stay out of his own way on that one.
  16. Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous is the best Jurassic Park vehicle since the original movie in 1993. Debate me.
  17. To bring your post to the OP: It really does feel like the Olympics matter the MOST to the countries who need to propagate propoganda to the rest of the world. Hence Russia and China caring so much about them recently. It's part of their Go-to-market and media blitz to showcase how they are not humanitarian criminals and horrible people. If the IOC were smart, they would be hire a bunch of geopolitical strategists to help them forecast which crappy countries need them the most and cater to them. It's the only way they stay relevant as most sane countries realize they are a moneypit and scam.
  18. From the files of "Well I guess this controversy is over": "The social psychologist Brené Brown resumed her two Spotify podcasts, after pausing to protest the streaming platform’s handling of the controversy around Joe Rogan"
  19. Quick disclaimer: this wasn't an argument I put forth or made. You responded as confused and my response was an attempt to clarify, as I understood the post. Clearly having the OP clarify firsthand is best. That said, I agree with almost everything you said. I think that in the bold there are times when a politician truly changes their mind/stance in the face of new information or a change of heart or what have you and there are times when politicians change their mind/stance based on polls and probabilities to win elections. I think it's up to the discernment and wisdom of voters to figure out which is which.
  20. What? I’m agreeing with Brisket that we don’t have a shared social conscious or fabric in America. We are pockets of individuals.
  21. I wish your clan and community luck in the upcoming American Wars.
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