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Everything posted by TurkeyChew

  1. What you think junior? These hands have been soaking in ivory liquid? Bwooooohoooo
  2. I just read something interesting about streaming that made me think maybe a Spotify does have more control and influence on who they promote-- I'm not sure how all that works, but this was an interesting tidbit:
  3. Fantastic article. I know some will never allow it, but this treatment somehow made Jr. a bit human, a bit sympathetic.
  4. How you follow up such an insane post with an insane analogy with this post which is actually quite brilliant (mostly because I 100% agree), blows my mind. The duality of man, the two sides of a Brisket.
  5. You believe that taking your chance against the virus means that you are directly and cold-bloodedly a murderer and by sharing a selfish opinion that he'd rather take his chances with the virus rather than get a vaccine is akin to telling people to drink bleach and kill themselves. I wonder why.
  6. Bernie Sanders is so dumb and disrespectful of himself for going on Rogan’s show? No, it’s because he has the bullhorn and amplifier of being able to reach 11mm people at once.
  7. Also who would have thought Howard Stern’s racism and misogyny and all the other problematic behaviors (ableism, little people, etc.) would be so whitewashed just 10 or 20 years later as “satire” by people on here. It’s really true that politics make strange bedfellows and the friend of my enemy is a friend. If Don Imus was smart he’d put out a press release about how Joe Rogan sucks and he’s been vaccinated 4 times and he might get a second chance.
  8. The problem with the argument is that despite what you or others here ardently believe, his stances aren’t akin to telling people to drink bleach. ”If you aren’t fat and pretty healthy, what’s the big whoop about not wanting the vaccine? Eh I’ll take my chances” = “Absolutely and completely morally irresponsible and killing human being directly and indirectly” to people like you. Which in a Streisand effect sort of way makes him more popular. Because old tawdry, think-they-know-it-alls like some of you people are trying to quiet someone who has reasonable contrarian takes, it makes others want to support him or like him more as a referendum on your perceived absurdity.
  9. I saw his follow up after I posted. “Not remotely close” is a phrase better used to describe his opinion on the matter.
  10. How is it not even remotely the same? That seems like too aggressive an adverb to use there. I can see it not being the same, but remotely? There are similarities…
  11. Does anyone feel bad that Neil Young opened himself to get self-owned on Twitter? Not sure if he was a cultural icon or whatever as I never listened to his music or know anyone who cared about him, but the memes and farks seem like he isn’t making a difference except to invite his own ridicule. Or is it a case of hopefully bigger more influential musicians will follow after he broke the ground. I can imagine a Taylor Swift or The Weekend saying this would actually have a Spotify exec sit up in his Herman miller.
  12. Do you think Neil Young just wanted his music off spotify?
  13. So me paying and sending my kids to Christian private schools, while also funding public schools, is why Joe Rogan is such a problem. Got it.
  14. Okay GW, it appears we are just too far apart to have a conversation so allow me to gracefully bow out.
  15. "stomach-turning" is an interesting descriptor. There are really two different America's who see the same situation and have two opposite responses, and both think the other is insane for not seeing the dress is blue. How can you see stomach-turning gold?
  16. I said nearly impossible, FYI, but that aside-- it's a political blackhole and there seems to be very little agreement on what needs to be fixed and how to fix it, without raising already high taxes that fund public school. What is waste, what is working, what do you optimize? All these are big issues and problems and I contend that whatever team can "fix education" should earn a Nobel Peace Prize. It's that big, thorny and hard of a problem to solve. That said, it doesn't help to just be glib and say "fix education" without any acknowledgment to how crazy it is to think you can just call a couple of meetings, sign a few orders and boom, it's fixed. No more society where a guy like Joe Rogan is a thought leader with a massive platform adored by 11mm people. You are either insanely ignorant or arguing in bad faith.
  17. Wow. Did you really just say that? Might as well have said "Solve world hunger". So the only way to stop Joe Rogan is to boil the ocean and fix our education system, a nearly impossible task. Brilliant.
  18. So, let's continue the conversation hpslugga and brisket are having to a logical conclusion: -Concerned/Mad because Joe Rogan allegedly is a bad/misinformation actor -Concerned/Mad because he has a massive platform to influence So what are the action items in your mind to limit the concerns and issues that you guys seem to have? You guys already don't listen to the show so boycotting won't work. Support Neil Young and buy a bunch of his music? Write angry letters to Spotify? Beyond making fun of his 11mm listeners on the internet, what do you think is a good (and legal) idea to water down his appeal and influence?
  19. It is less about “I suffered so I want others to suffer” than it is “you are benefiting, I want to benefit”, because there are massive economic opportunity costs for those who paid off student loans that those who hypothetically won’t, will not have incurred. This up here in bold, is why I believe (despite anecdotal stories of folks like yourself who don’t care) blanket loan forgiveness wont happen. If it does happen it will be appropriately means tested or metered and hopefully there will be a pressure valve program for those who made the same sacrifices you made but do care they got economically screwed. In my opinion of course, but I think that’s why blanket loan forgiveness never gets anywhere despite it getting a lot of air time as a policy.
  20. Almost. Truly the only reason I’ve ever been banned is because there are two very mediocre-minded posters who I won’t name, who would follow me around and spend their time negging every post going back months, regardless of content or context, as a way to censure and in an effort to censor. That is now not allowed because a) it is harassment and b) allowing a couple of nobodies to dictate and curate who is allowed to post and what, based on their insecure whims, leads to a weak board. This is why the reincarnated names followed the same basic syntax: “Animal ending in -key + tobacco product”. I was not hiding anything but rather picking up where I left off and choosing a name to obviously let everyone know who I am instead of trying to hide. That is also why it’s always been super hilarious to me when posters would react like they just cracked the DiVinci Code or the Zodiac Killer cryptogram whenever they would excitedly post to everyone “it’s DonkeyCigars! I’ve figured it out!” So while you are right in that 99% I’m a good faith poster who represents an opposite POV and I can sometimes get dug in or go overboard and start being petty and personally insulting which results in a fair hand slapping, my place on this board was and is never at jeopardy outside of two small peasant posters who don’t engage in healthy debate, mostly because they don’t have the horses to.
  21. Okay but that’s only part of it, keep playing the song out to the end of the tape, if you will. Now that person who benefitted has the ability to put $50k down to buy the starter house you wanted or to start the business that you had an idea for, but you’ve put your finite resource (money via income) into something that nobody else will have to so you don’t have the savings. Now they will have an exponential advantage on wealth building than you could ever have. I guess you can argue the experience and discomfort and struggling and pain of being young and paying off a massive amount of student loans has its own intrinsic reward of character (e.g what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, learned that sacrifices are hard, learned how to struggle with grace or stoicism, etc.), but it would be hard to not see how resentment and bitterness would have to exist in a normal, average human condition. That is why I think there should be some program or rebate or enablement for those in the last 20 or 30 years who can prove by documentation that they paid off student loans that would otherwise have been forgiven. And if you are in default or not current on student loans you aren’t eligible for forgiveness.
  22. I see the same thing you are seeing, just didn't correlate the football as the driver, but maybe so. I thought it was more the "culture" of the schools.
  23. I'm not saying it doesn't reflect more on the person, I'm saying that in response to those who think it's not as "severe" on the racism scale. It's really bad, all around. Sorry you were confused about my post, hope that clarifies! thx
  24. Jimmy's gonna get you Kramer! Jimmy holds grudges!
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