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Everything posted by TurkeyChew

  1. It’s been a long time—a literal lifetime as most of us have never lived in a world where America wasn’t the head and shoulders Dynastic best (think: Bama in college football)— and so it’s easy to start devaluing our massive military complex and budget and R&D, etc., but when China and Russia have grown in prowess and “sense” weakness, we will all be glad to have made the investments.
  2. A lot of people forget, or don't know, but Anthony Bourdain's first break was publishing an unsolicited short to The New Yorker, which was a sort of abstract or outline for his break-out "Kitchen Confidential". I went and re-read it shortly after he died and he mentioned a few things that you back of the house workers and waiters are saying about the personality of someone who chooses to work in the food service industry: and and
  3. I'm a creature of habit so I have two or three places I go to regularly and am a known commodity and generally only for breakfast or lunch. They know my order(s), they know my style, they know what I like and what I want and how much space to give me, and as a reward they get 50% tips. Sometimes 100% tips because what's an extra 20 bucks to me compared to what it means for them, relatively? Seriously as a thought exercise try this: What does having an extra $20 bill mean to you, in your day to day life. Now think of someone who has to work tables for a living or work in a restaurant. What does an extra $20 bill mean to them? That is how I try to think of tipping, as a response to service with more than a hint of charity.
  4. Lark Voorhees got famous for being a plastic-surgery-gone-wrong botched meme or something if memory serves.
  5. The guy sold his soul to the devil to get out of all earthly jams one day in a prep elementary day school or something. Maybe after one too many beatings at the playground.
  6. I agree with you and I will go a step further and say I think anyone getting their hopes up for any consequence coming DJT's way should probably get reacquainted with this ole chestnut:
  7. I've been reading the Trump SPAC is a good investment and you can quickly make a 50% gain if you were able to get in and sell immediately. It's also funny how even knowing that, the reputational damage for some of this big monied firms is such that they'd rather avoid the free money and the bad press. Would rather leave a bag of money on the road than deal with the fall out of being associated with Trump. That is saying something for Wall St. whose greed knows almost no bounds.
  8. That’s a logical fallacy of hindsight is 20/20. I tend to agree that the odds are low that anything but your quote above will come to fruition, but let’s not act like it’s scripture in the stone tablets from the mouth of the Lord himself just yet. That’s a bit arrogant and vain, for my tastes at least.
  9. The point I'm making is that mandating them was absolutely politicizing the issue at the time. We aren't in the year 2060 when covid-19 vaccines are the norm and everyone who doesnt want them as died off and it's a no-brainer non-political issue. We are in today, where it is a big political issue. I think we are in agreement now, yes?
  10. I think you are suffering from a recency bias or something, because a quick google search shows that in the 80's, seatbelt laws were a HUGE political issue. Just google and read about it. https://www.history.com/news/seat-belt-laws-resistance https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/09/16/when-battle-over-american-freedom-was-centered-seat-belt-laws/
  11. LonghornFan8 was scoffing at the idea that Democrats have done anything even remotely political and that it was all the other evil side. Aggressively stupid is his brand, though. I'm still waiting to have him explain how we can have a company worth $2T (now $3T) and not necessarily have the existence of billionaires, given our brand of capitalism and business ownership models.
  12. No sane human considers it for a couple of reasons (in my opinion): 1) It's temporary (can be easily removed or added, without any long term or irreversible effects) 2) The value is clear to the majority of folks who choose to drive 3) Nobody cares if others choose to not wear and take the risk in their own hands, so the noise/harassment is minimal
  13. No. I'm saying that it seems pretty basic table stakes that one should acknowledge that a) the issue has been politicized and b) it's a pretty hotly contested issue without an overwhelming majority or consensus and so the pushback and and noise is going to be loud, versus something as obviously valuable to all like a law against murder. It was a risk of you to use such a ridiculous analogy, but I think we got there anyways.
  14. This reeks of "the world is not like how I thought it would be or how it should be and my world view is challenged and I can't deal with reality". Are you a small farm boy who just moved to New York City?
  15. No I agree with that as well. Both sides can be guilty of politicizing issues, and do. Water is wet. What I don't understand is why Democrats want to run from this truth and pretend they aren't politicizing it.
  16. Yes, in the literal sense. They are behaviors governed by law with an offense subject to penalty. What is hard to understand about that? Mandating helmet laws to ride bikes was politicizing the issue of wearing helmets if you ride a bike or not.
  17. You have a reasonable point of view on the matter, but I think the bolded is a matter of opinion and the reason we are the crossroads today that we are. It is very clear that there is a huge human population that has a competing opinion and to be definitive in your opinion on this is arrogance, in my personal opinion. I say this as someone who is fully vaxxed but will not have my children jabbed for Covid-19.
  18. I mean...literally. Literally politicizing--as in introducing politics via laws and policies via mask mandate, vaccine mandates, etc. You don't know or understand things very well at all but are the loudest and most expressive and aggressive in your opinions. You are David Dunning and Justin Kruger's wet dream.
  19. That's an elephant in the room to only half the country though, considering the other half were seemingly content to let Mamaw and PawPaw die if it came to it because they didn't want the vax.
  20. But at what cost? If you don't care that the country is further divided and hateful to one another, then that's fair I guess, but by politicizing we've created camps and teams that naturally align to competing political teams. If your thinking is that the country will divide and hate each other anyways, if not this topic then the next topic de jour, then I also understand it. In the 50's and then the 60's when civil rights and all that stuff was going on but I've heard the country was just as divided and hateful to the other half then if not more so. Just hard for me to fathom, I guess, having not lived through it but living through these political times.
  21. I actually think this is a pretty fair and accurate observation. What I think is the fuel that allows the above process engine to continue to burn, however, is mostly something the Dems are responsible for and is in their control. Namely, that of not having a provocative point of view and being willing to be better politicians (e.g. fight, go low, fire up their base, etc.) and instead whine and moan and always be in react mode (e.g. But Trump! and What-about-when-an R did it? and R's are being hypocritical, etc.) So the sore loser moniker and victomhood persona becomes a prophecy fulfilled. It's like my boy Napoleon said, somebody gotta explain why I ain't got nothing It's like my boy @bad_teammate said, Dems need to grow a spine and stand and deliver otherwise you are the political Dallas Cowboys led by Mike McCarthy. You aren't managing the clock well despite having the better players and odds on paper and always blame the refs when you lose.
  22. Don't like now but Mavs the hottest team in the league winning 10 of last 11? Luka doing Luka things and defense showing up? Jason Kidd having a positive impact? Pleasantly surprised is an understatement...
  23. + rep, never gets old.
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