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Everything posted by TurkeyChew

  1. Back to the crux of the thread, namely JRE as a podcast on Spotify the technology platform. I read something interesting today about how Spotify is trying to pivot from being an audio service and be an audio-creator: Spotify isn’t just an audio service — and it’s definitely not a publisher — rather, it’s a full-stop audio-creator company. Ek claims that Spotify has something for everyone and is continuing to invest in tools and resources to hopefully bring in 50 million unique creators. But there’s still no getting around the fact that The Joe Rogan Experience is the top podcast in 90 markets.
  2. Dude. There is a poster here who has a running joke/theme about his fat fetish and he posts pics of big fat girls he meets online and is open with it. Just accept that people have weird sexual fetishes and there is no conspiracy to be perceived as woke or hip or progressive on the chaotic-free-porn-Russian-eastern-euro-serverfarms. It's all about product-market fit and people are sick puppies. That is why we are broken as a country; because we are broken as individuals. Until we meet again!
  3. I typically like your takes but if you think that the wild-west that is free internet porn is beholden to some politically correct quota or desire to check boxes instead of the obvious alternative that the internet is just serving up in droves what the wicked and dark recesses of the human being want when they think they are alone and nobody will find out...well, Occam's Razor.
  4. I knew I didn't understand Visual Fine Art-- like REALLY understand it like you guys do-- when I saw this was lauded and valued and considered a recording breaking achievement:
  5. I would never work for a RD. Unrecoverable while ramping-- 75% of OTE at minimum-- for 6 months, is my standard. RD's are only for when internal systems are busted or transitions/processes are being worked through, etc. with the expectation of a true-up within 90 days.
  6. Who is to say? But to both our points, it's all relative and one man's trash is another man's treasure. Maybe the answer is we shouldn't try and distill "happiness" into a one sized fits all concept and vision and allow people to be happy (within the confines of the law). Super post-mod of me to say that, but I don't know.
  7. Sure thing. My point is, one man's vision and living a life that makes him happy, is another man's nightmare.
  8. American Happiness is such a relative thing. Just today I read a thread about a guy who lives quasi-off-the-grid in Alaska who poops outdoors when it's below 0 degrees, but he's more-or-less happy. Happiness is relative.
  9. Welcome to FY23 everyone! Hope y'all slay it, sales bros!
  10. Was looking hard at USVI; ended up doing Disney yet again. Blah.
  11. I thought FOX and FoxNews were completely different-- differently owned, ran, etc. I googled it, Fox the television network and Fox News are sister companies owned by the same parent. No different than equating TBS or TNT with CNN.
  12. I read a super interesting article about how Miami is the most important American city today and thought of this thread when I read the following for why that is:
  13. "Assume you are not Jay-Z" is a good life lesson for the youth.
  14. Also, I missed this post: here is the original link: https://www.politico.com/news/2022/01/31/sinema-grassroots-donor-pool-dries-up-00004034
  15. IDK. I posted the quantitative numbers that were newly published because it was a) interesting b) topical and germane to this thread and c) specific and factual and a spotlight to what a bunch of people were on here saying. You are the one that overreacted and assumed some other intent from my post. You were wrong, it's okay, we are all friends, let's move on...
  16. You serious? Making the point that it’s a drop in the bucket and that usually when your small dollar donor is so minuscule it spells problems for your popularity and career.
  17. Yea I can dig it up when I get home; there are a few that do this. Essentially you pay a flat fee for a portal and you get listed on the MLS with a dummy Realtor name/info, but it’s a shell thing. I’ll dm you later.
  18. The package of software I paid for in the $500 I mentioned in my first post…
  19. That makes sense; interviewing is definitely one of those things where the experience pays dividends with polish and confidence etc.
  20. Yes it was. And you are doing the No True Scotsman thing I was talking about.
  21. I think knowing who they want to hire but having to jump through fake hoops isn't racism as much as just being bad at faking like you don't know who you already want to hire and pretending like you are open-minded. That said, I don't understand how Brian Flores didn't have a job the day he was fired. That guy can coach. Same with Rich B. in Las Vegas. That guy can coach and his players run through brick walls for him. How is that not translating to other NFL teams?
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