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Everything posted by TurkeyChew

  1. You just mentioned something that got me thinking-- I don't think any of the old school heavy hitters even control their own stuff and own their masters-- they've all sold their catalogs for hundreds of millions. So you are left with people that you scratch your head and say, "Who?" are pulling their music. Even Taylor Swift's masters are owned by Scooter Braun except that last re-release she did.
  2. Because he's an amazing poster and has abandoned us because of people like you.
  3. Oh okay, he plays and moves like he's 7 years older i guess was my confusion. Either way he's not in the same strata.
  4. I think there is a convergence going on and it will only continue to play out, at least in Texas. Ultimately it's not about the last name or not being a real American, it's about the culture and presentation of being poor or not poor. Here is how I think that plays out: Poor Mexican-Americans or Texans with Mexican ancestry will continue to be segregated from the ruling class, patriarchal white and cisgender culture that sets strategy, and continue to be "othered" (e.g. the slur you used that I cannot bear to repeat, even just as a matter-of-fact, here). Middle-class and upwardly mobile Mexican-Americans or Texans with Mexican ancestry who will continue to be assimilated and appreciated by the same ruling class that sets strategy, and for all intents and purposes today is seen as white and in the future will be considered uncontroversially white (e.g. like the Italians, Irish, and Jews before them). These people will vote (or continue to vote as the case is in the RGV, it seems) in the interest of GQP.
  5. I'm opposite of you. I spent $500 on some RE Software and did FSBO last summer in the height of insanity. I have realtor friends and family (at this point, who doesnt?) and was able to get some free "consulting" to validate my thinking and go-to-market thesis, and got everything I wanted and then some for a mere 3% to the buyer's agent. I don't buy the circular logic or the appeal to purity that realtors give you with the "you only THINK you maxed out what you could have gotten and did so in a legal-proof way; a good realtor would have gotten you more and more securely."
  6. What really blows my mind is how Jerry is considered the one doing well off, as a medium-talent comic in NYC. Constant references to his money and savings and he buys $700 suit jackets with pink striped lining and loans Elaine $5k for an apartment and always pays the bill at Monk's, etc. Doesn't make sense. Comedians ain't making that kind of scratch and he comes from a family that sold beltless trenchcoats-- not exactly the Rothschilds.
  7. Kyrsten had her best fundraising quarter ever with $1.6mm Just over 2 percent of Sinema’s fundraising haul this quarter — $33,983 — came from small-dollar donors, or those who have given an aggregated total this election cycle of $200 or less. There was once a poster whose thesis was around the fundraising and how the small dollar donor was an indicator or something about it, I forget his name but wish he would remind me of the thinking and correlation between grass roots and credibility...oh! @bad_teammate
  8. Dak sucks compared to those 4 and is also 5 years older than the oldest one. and I'm a Cowboys fan :(
  9. Further Spotify reading (again, to better understand motivations and behavior, by understanding the business). Bold emphasis mine: JRE is massively important to spotify, more important than even a single A-list artist not named Taylor Swift, Drake or Adele, but 1000% more important than a Neil Young or Jonas Mitchell or a random guitarist from a known band, because podcasting hasn’t produced a big new hit in years. And lastly an explanation to how the music/artists business is limiting and has a ceiling baked into it:
  10. My dentist called and proactively cancelled on me for Thursday-- I'm guessing that means this is real now.
  11. You are in denial. You realize this is Russia/Putin we are talking about.
  12. To be fair Josh Allen was taken 7 and if I recall that was a "slippage" from where he was projected and Herbert was drafted #6 overall and Mahomes was a top 10 draft pick at #10. That said, I'm absolutely sure someone will take a QB in this draft in the top 10, but from everything I've read, that would be a stretch pick because there aren't any "legit" top 10 draft picks like the the 4 QB's I named (Allen, Mahomes, Herbert and Burrow).
  13. For those interested in understanding Spotify's point of view and why they act (or don't act, or minimally act) the way they do, I read something about the business that helped me to understand why they as a business behave: Spotify as a music streaming platform, which was its legacy use case and business model, was wildly succesful and cool. But as it grew, due to having to pay out performers/royalties, it's gross margins plateaud at 25% (again, artist royalties are variable costs that scale every time more people use the product (listen to music). Branching out into podcasts helps the business grow because Spotify is building a dynamic audio ad marketplace. By doing this, Spotify’s gross margins can get up 40% So you can see then why Spotify in 2022 cares more about JRE and Call Me Daddy and The Ringer and all these other properties more than a Neil Young catalog or other D-list streaming artists, when push comes to shove. However, one thing that Spotify is going to have to thread the needle on is moderation, which when you are just streaming artists (25% gross margin), you don't have that headache. You have to take on this headache of moderation and how to do it, for the extra 15 points. But then again, that's Showbiz Big Business baby!
  14. Joe Biden broke bad_teammate.
  15. @bad_teammate you started this thread and just walked away and let everyone fight and burn themselves up, while you watch quietly from afar. You are a sick, sick puppy.
  16. Thought I was on the music board and were posting old bops:
  17. AFC has all the awesome young QB’s; NFC has…Love? Hurts? Fields? Lance? Oy. Oh, also, there isn’t a “Burrows/Allen/Mahomes/Herbert” type QB in this draft, according to all the experts (grain of salt, I know).
  18. It sounds like Rogan got the most minor of hand slaps behind closed doors, as in Spotify execs hemmed and hawed and glanced at his wrist for a second, and then asked him to just cool it until this stuff simmers down and people are enraged about another issue.
  19. Well that is true. Herbert is a better QB than Mahomes.
  20. That's insulting! Ted Danson makes $800,000 an episode.
  21. Yea; down 21 points if memory serves, to Jax, and winning with a walk-off FG. Made for a great night, but definitely didn't leave me thinking I was watching a Super Bowl team. The TE who got hurt today was one of the stars of the show that night.
  22. FTR: The mods have been great about reviewing reported harassment and keeping an eye on it moving forward.
  23. I went to the TNF game with Cincy/Jax (the one Urban Meyer got busted at the bar afterwards); and I tell you. I didn't think I was watching a Super Bowl team that night.
  24. And that’s fair; I don’t think anyone begrudges you that POV.
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