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Frank Drebin

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Everything posted by Frank Drebin

  1. Hard for me to trust Sark given his track record prior to Texas and him losing so many close and winnable games at Texas. I am rooting hard for him though. Part of me has a feeling he will always be about -1 or so of what our team should do in wins and losses.
  2. As a one off series? So what. Rivalries are meant to be played every year. Of course, that ain't much of a rivalry because for some reason Okie State constantly pisses down their leg when playing big brother.
  3. Rather them be Big 10 than Big 12. So good. USC probably not too happy with Oregon add. If Big 10 was smart, it would process Maryland and Rutgers.
  4. I lived in the RGV for 2 years in the early 90s when I was in high school. I loved it down there. But I love to hunt and fish in the bay. The dove hunting and inshore fishing were incredible. And could be done on the cheap. I used to keep my pump 20 gauge and a case of shells in the trunk of my beater and would go hunt dove right after school. Easy limits. We would also go to Mexico for dinners once a week. I have a lot of fond memories from those days. Really enjoyed the people down there. The high school football was very competitive. As a little kid, we used to "vacation" at Rancho Viejo. It was a very nice golf course in the early 80s and had a great pool. Not sure what it is like today.
  5. ISU was in for another tough year regardless of Dekkers.
  6. How much of that share does UCLA have to send to Cal?
  7. No Diaz tonight. Against a righty. Ridiculous.
  8. Not sure there will be some huge difference in efficacy between Brooks, Baxter and Blue.
  9. Yep. Game is going to be played regardless. Probably better to lose early on the resume anyway. Conferences would be smart to have conference matchups every week. Better for tv and fans. Better exposure. A conference game in weeks 0 and 1 will get a great tv slot regardless of who is playing.
  10. I think it makes more regular season games meaningful. You aren't out of it if you lose early. Also, getting the bye is huge.
  11. I had no idea they had a college team. That's cool. Would love to read about the game against Newton if you have a link handy.
  12. I thought the Pac did not want schools affiliated with religions?
  13. To destabilize the conference so other teams look around.
  14. To paraphrase the words of Scipio Tex from long ago, Chuy aint' covering LaJarametrious.
  15. Up until South Carolina got mediocre, they basically had 5 wins baked in every year. A few tossups. And two really tough games. Basically, really easy to go 8-4 with their scheduling of four cupcakes and 8 home games.
  16. Was in Colorado for July. Multiple restaurants charged for refills of iced tea. I just cannot fathom that kind of bullshit. Fuck it, I started drinking water with all my meals just not to risk that kind of fucking. I will pay for the $30 burger or chicken sandwich without bitching too much. I get it, it's an expensive resort town. But charging for refills of iced tea without even a warning? The time I noticed it, I had 3 refills at $7 a pop. A bridge too far for me.
  17. I buy wonder water CBD drinks from 8th Wonder in Houston. I usually buy cases at a time and it's always around $300 (will last me 4-6 months). I am not tipping them $60 for that, which is the suggested tip. I hand the lady $10 cash and think it's plenty. I grab the cases myself and take them to my truck.
  18. How does the Mets paying impact luxury tax? More concerned about that than the cash flow to Crane and his partners.
  19. Maybe we could trade for a catcher who is good defensively with an OPS of 800 to replace our 545 OPS catcher who sucks defensively now? Or trade for an every day CF with a 900 OPS we could just pencil in the lineup every day?
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