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Humble Beast

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Everything posted by Humble Beast

  1. I’m about halfway through. I don’t give a shit about any argument he has against cryptocurrencies across the board. I can address his bitcoin criticism specifically, but there’s nothing really groundbreaking there. I’ll finish the rest tomorrow, but this guy fundamentally comes from a mindset that there’s no need for or value to a permissionless, censorship/confiscation resistant money that is not issued by a state. He’s a statist. His exact quote “censorship resistance is crime” was quite telling. If you agree with that statement then Bitcoin is not for you.
  2. Seems like it. Although Elon is a bullshit artist I do recall him recently talking about how they were hemorrhaging cash.
  3. At this pace, by tomorrow every CR poster will have stopped by to defend the honor of the CR. Please, let it go.
  4. https://www.reuters.com/article/ukraine-crisis-basf-de-idUSL5N2VY7L2 comments from March from BASF ceo concerning banning imports of gas from Russia. They would have to completely shut down production if gas availability falls below half of their usual needs. Russia halting gas exports will obviously do the same thing to German economy. Ripple effects non quantifiable ahead of time.
  5. Lol it’s that old? I’ll leave it up. Still funny
  6. Nice relief bounce here. Btc over 24k. I still think there will be more downward pressure. Bottom in stocks not in imo as long as tightening progresses.
  7. Yep the small ones will definitely get rekt. I bring up Eu and Japan to show how bad it is even for enormous currencies. Japan is a little different because they’re way down the line of yield curve control and it’s getting harder to keep things under wraps, but energy is playing a big part.
  8. Energy bailouts starting in Europe.
  9. Yes dollar strengthening is causing major currency problems. Especially in countries that are energy importers. See EU, Japan. As they have to pay more to import energy their current account deficit increases. That puts negative pressure on their currencies. So much of this stuff goes back to energy. Hopefully it serves as a wake up call. India is another having issues.
  10. I’ve competed In the Wild Hog Festival so this hits close to home. But seriously, elevated gas/diesel and food prices disproportionately affect agriculture and rural communities.
  11. Heading to Burnt bean with a buddy on Sunday morning. We’ll be there before 8am. Brisket huevos rancheros are going down.
  12. Why do y’all retest continually after getting the initial positive?
  13. The example I’ve seen cited was Dow Chemical. They were forced by the Delaware court to close an acquisition even after their funding for the deal was lost via another deal breaking down. They had to get creative with financing to pony up $18B in 2009. Evidently it all depends on how tight the contract is, and supposedly Elon/Twitter is pretty tight. https://www.reuters.com/article/dow-rohm-lawsuit-idUKN0350096220090203
  14. My understanding is there’s nothing that has to be proven. There’s no stipulation about bots or not. It’s a signed contract. Twitter is claiming that more damage has been done to the company from Musk’s behavior and voiding the deal than $1B penalty so it should be closed as agreed upon. I tend to agree, obviously.
  15. From what I’ve read, he signed a pretty iron clad merger agreement, but I’m not a lawyer. The court is clearly considering making it go through. Musk may have stepped in it here. He tends to think he can do whatever he wants (see: SEC) but the thinking is that this is corporate contractual law in a jurisdiction that takes that very seriously. It’s their thing. The market is skeptical. They believe Elon is Teflon. We’ll see.
  16. Bot a good amount of Twtr today. Have read a couple of good legal analyses that feel strongly Elon will be held to 54.20 buyout price. Trial in October. Would be 37% gain from current price.
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