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Everything posted by JimmyJames

  1. The right wing dipshits could cloak up a chili cook off at this point.
  2. Yeah good point. If the facts were different the coverage of it would be different. Very illuminating point you are making there.
  3. I mean it is so fucking ridiculous what these snowflakes find to get upset about. The right wing hate machine is just a fucking constant never ending snowflake bitch fest.
  4. What the hell is wrong with the headline or tweet there? Are you a fucking moron or what?
  5. Why is that stunning or surprising at all?
  6. I see the DT crowd somehow managed to cloak up this incident. Pretty ridiculous but not a surprise.
  7. I didn’t realize she had seen the video at the time she did that. So fuck her and send her to prison.
  8. I see it all the time yet it’s typically an audio phone recording. Hey I got this great audio recording of the other side admitting they did it! Listen to the recording. Uh yeah you actually just destroyed your own case.
  9. Not to worry. The DT crew like sack and immortal are on the case giving him positive rep all over the place in order to save his soul from purgatory. The surly rep wars have reached a stalemate.
  10. We must think alike. I was actually gonna post this but you beat me to it.
  11. Do you think they have enough tests to verify Covid in their patients? Do they have the medical infrastructure to deal with Covid? I’m quite sure it’s inferior to America but the numbers are so staggeringly different that medical infrastructure can’t be the reason. It’s something else.
  12. I think it will be bad in December and January this year and hopefully after that it will end and become like the flu we have now. I’ve said that before and I’m gonna stick with it.
  13. It actually came to me one day when I was having lunch outside my office one day in a very shady area and looking at a tree behind the building. It was obviously a very old tree but was so bent out of shape that the almost all the branches were basically almost in the ground. I realized that the tree branches were that way only so it could still get sunlight caused by the building in front of it that would otherwise block it if it didn’t progress that way over the the years. That’s how important sunlight was to its survival over the years.
  14. My amateur hypothesis is that the virus does not spread as well in places that have abundant sunlight and lack of obese people. And that this is based on higher vitamin D levels among the population.
  15. This isn’t a political post but this paragraph I found interesting. In Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country, the government has recorded nearly 3,000 deaths so far among its 200 million people. The U.S. records that many deaths every two or three days. https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/scientists-mystified-concerned-as-africa-avoids-covid-disaster/6323236.html I think it’s important to look at the big picture here and for people to try to understand what causes the virus to spread and why it has not in certain places.
  16. Well my 16 year old self wasn’t as wise as you. Death penalty and immediate execution for stealing beer seems harsh to me, but I guess I grew up in a different time.
  17. Me and my friends used to steal beer out of open garage fridges in the neighborhood since we were too young to buy it ourselves. Also toilet papered a few houses. I guess nowadays I’d get shot for that.
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