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Everything posted by formermav43

  1. He’ll be coaching somewhere next season. That teams are already sniffing around shows there’s no heat to let die.
  2. 122/87 this evening before giving blood, ftr.
  3. Yeah, as stated, this has always been his issue. It’s why a lot of the prospect gurus thought (and some still think) he’ll end up in the bullpen.
  4. I never thought much about it either until it got really bad like that. Even back when I was at UT, I noticed at one point that I developed really bad tremors - it was first really noticeable one day when I was taking a test, my hand was shaking like crazy while I was trying to write. I went to the doctor because it freaked me out (you know, you're imagining the worst, like you have Parkinson's) - he said it was nothing major, essential tremor, and that stress could exacerbate it. He also noted my bp was a bit elevated (I don't remember how high, but not crazy at the time). So he gave me a beta blocker that would control the tremor--people use them for stage fright and such--and that would also help with my bp, but that way he wouldn't have to diagnose me with it, which would look better for a 22 year old. Anyway, after awhile, it didn't seem like I had those tremors anymore, I wasn't going for regular physicals, I let the prescription lapse. But in hindsight, that was probably a symptom of hypertension, not its own thing. So all that's to say, it had likely been steadily increasing for years, and I even had some symptoms, but they were easy to ignore. I'm fortunate that I actually had symptoms at all and that they finally became severe, because so many people don't have any, and I probably would have already had a stroke by now or something. So to your questions: 1. With the tests, they were just trying to rule out any underlying cause and that hypertension was primary. So much of it was what you'd expect - pretty extensive blood work, EKG, some various scans. They obviously wanted to make sure nothing was wrong with my heart or arteries. The one sort of unusual thing they did was an ultrasound to make sure I didn't have stenosis in my renal arteries, which is sometimes a cause of high blood pressure in someone so young. But everything was perfectly normal. And I have an uncle who had to get on bp meds around 30, so it seems to run in the genes. 2. I'm still only 39, so your situation might be a bit different at your age. But I've been taking this same medicine for 6 years now and it's kept it under control with no known side effects. It's consistently normal (if somewhat toward the high side of normal) - 120-135/70-85. No fluctuations to the point that I don't even check it routinely anymore, and I only go for a checkup once a year now because it's totally managed. I'm actually supposed to donate blood this evening, I'll report back what it reads then for accuracy.
  5. I’ve been on lisinopril/hctz for several years now because I had been feeling increasingly bad-headaches, dizzy, lightheaded. I was at my parents’ house after a funeral about to go home when I finally had my dad take me to the ER-he handed me a box of stuff that weighed maybe 10 pounds tops and I felt like I was about to pass out. My blood pressure was 210/115. I had probably been dealing with it for several years looking back, but I didn’t go to the doc regularly or really think anything about it until it got to that point and I couldn’t ignore it (I was only 33, most of us probably aren’t real great about getting checked out then.) I’ve never been overweight. I don’t got to the gym, but I stay pretty active. I don’t smoke, don’t drink. My diet could be better, I guess, but I don’t really eat fast food, eat plenty of vegetables. The point is, they ran a bunch of tests on me, and there was nothing else wrong. Like blacklab said, a lot of times it’s just genetic-I have hypertension and there’s nothing I can really do about it other than the meds. So all that’s to say, since I started taking it, there’s never been any side effects that I’ve noticed. It’s cheap, I take it once a day, and it keeps my bp normal. I wouldn’t sweat it if I were you.
  6. I just don’t understand this take, especially because it’s pretty common. He’s been an above average bat both seasons he’s been up-last year his wRC+ was 114. Compare that to other CFs, and he’s comfortably a top 10 player at the position if he played all his games there.
  7. You don’t think service time is the best way to make out a lineup? Technically you should flip Altuve and Brantley, but they’d be 1-2, so it’s close. I’m interested in seeing new #3 hitter Martin Maldonado in particular.
  8. I’m sure he doesn’t know what “top candidate” means.
  9. Because name candidates often get arrested for felonies. Happens all the time. It’s why you should avoid them at all costs.
  10. Obviously. Rejecting candidates who have built a name for themselves due to their success in favor of a guy with a decade-long track record of mediocrity is a surefire winning strategy.
  11. It wasn't meant to be a 3.5 hour adjustathon either.
  12. Maybe he should have had more than 2 great seasons.
  13. Outside of the hair, I don’t think they look anything alike. Joanna Garcia is a better match for Amy.
  14. Timothy Olyphant and Josh Duhomel Tom Hiddleston and JJ Feild Amy Adams and Joanna Garcia
  15. One guy hit a home run in spring training, so it can’t be true.
  16. Replace pitcher/pitching with hitter/hitting and put them on the mound instead of the box and you could have the same quote. It cuts both ways. Everyone will adjust.
  17. Is it any more dumb than stepping out of the box, knocking the dirt out of both cleats with the bat, unstrapping and strapping each batting glove, adjusting your jersey, adjusting your crotch, adjusting your batting helmet, unstrapping and strapping your batting gloves again, crossing yourself, and then stepping back in after every single pitch? At least it’s fast.
  18. Well if we’re telling lawyer jokes about the afterlife, there’s the one about the guy who dies and goes to hell. He’s being given the tour-there’s the lake of fire, sulfurous pits, the shrieks and gnashing of teeth, you name it-when he happens upon his former attorney, locked in an embrace with a beautiful woman. The guy protests. “Wait a minute! Why do I have to burn for all eternity, while that lawyer gets to spend it with a beautiful woman?” The Devil turned and snarled, “Who are you to question her punishment?”
  19. If you extend beyond anger to just generally questioning God-complaining, not understanding, feeling like he is not there, etc.-more than a third of the Psalms are laments. It’s the most common type. The idea that you can’t ever question is unwarranted. Lord, I believe—help my unbelief!
  20. Just tell them to read Job and then get back to you.
  21. It’s not. It’s on the Astros Twitter. Here’s another of him signing autographs.
  22. You should. McCullers' career averages is a little more than an extra bb/9 worse, and it's trending the wrong way, where Pressly has improved his since coming to Houston. To put it into perspective without those abstract ratios, McCullers walked 22 guys in the 8 games he started in the regular season last year (47.2 IP). That's nearly as many as Pressly has walked in the last 2 full seasons combined - 26 in 114 games (112.1 IP). He actually pitched slightly more innings that McCullers last year (48.1) but only issued 13 walks.
  23. That's why I'd argue they need to play Lee and/or Diaz. Lee has the first round pedigree and certainly won't be a worse offensive catcher than Maldonado; Diaz looks like a bat first guy who might not even stick at catcher. Maybe neither of those guys end up panning out, but they need to find out.
  24. Given that Bogaerts got 11/280, if 1) he has another season like 2022 and 2) spending next offseason is similar, I wouldn't be surprised if it's closer to 10/300. That seems crazy in a vacuum, and it would have been way out of line with projections as recently as 4 months ago. But it seems like the going rate today.
  25. Maldonado is in the conversation for the worst-hitting everyday player of the postwar era (of players with at least 3,000 PA, he has the second lowest batting average to Jeff Mathis, but Mathis never caught more than 100 games in a season; he is tied for 25th in lowest wOBA; the one thing that maybe elevates him from absolute worst is that when he happens to make contact, he hits with more power than most of the other guys in the basement). Anyway, anyone expecting him to make any contribution at all with his bat is missing the point. That's not why he's there. From an outsider's perspective, it looks like it's an easy position to upgrade, but I think this is an area where you just have to roll with how the team values him, especially given that a catcher's defensive contributions are still difficult to quantify. I also don't think that there's any point in adding another catcher at this late stage, even if Maldonado can't catch 100 games. They need to see what Lee and/or Diaz can do, and no one available today is likely to offer an upgrade over them even if they aren't very good. If it's a real problem as the season goes on, they can add a catcher at the deadline like they did last year.
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