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Everything posted by formermav43

  1. It will have to, there might only be 5 guys left on the team at this rate.
  2. I don’t really care about debating that. It was just a stupid use of the word.
  3. Because nothing says “woke” like taking a stance against felony arrests.
  4. He's 0-3 so far today, so now it wasn't a mistake, current circumstances say. That's how this works, right?
  5. Yeah, that's a great case for why he should be in the organization in an off the field role, not catching 100+ games.
  6. To be fair, Dubon has actually been hitting really well lately. I'd say continue to play him while he's hot (especially because he's going to play even if he's not, unfortunately).
  7. So far, they’ve gone from Opening Day to a couple of weeks later to by the end of April to now early May. If all goes well, Altuve could be back before the end of May. I wouldn’t be surprised if Brantley is still out at this point.
  8. Of course. He’s never been up before. Meyers has options too, and I don’t think there’s any way the DFA him given they don’t need room on the 40 for Brantley.
  9. Objectively, he nailed it down way before this season. So I’m not holding my breath on him suddenly being a fixture in the lineup based on previous playing time trends. I’d love to be wrong.
  10. While true, Tucker, Alvarez, Javier weren’t waking through the door either in any meaningful sense when Cole and Springer were here. And Abreu obviously wasn’t.
  11. That’s not a problem with religion, it’s a problem with humanity.
  12. I’m more bullish on Altuve, hoping he’ll play closer to 120 games than 100. But even so, right now, this team has 6 above average or better players in the starting lineup. Altuve makes 7. Even if he’s not as good as last year, some might be better to offset that. It’s the same lineup as last year even with nothing from Brantley, except swapping in Abreu for Gurriel. It’s hard to feel too negative about that. There was bound to be regression from the bullpen in the aggregate. But you almost have to posit regression from EVERYONE in the bullpen AND from every starter to get to a “tick better than mediocre.” You could be right, of course. Baseball is quirky. But I think it’s hard to objectively make that case at this point. It’s an emotional overreaction to a bad stretch at the start of the season. There was a 3-6 stretch as late as last August, including a sweep by the As. But nobody panics when you’re 100 games in.
  13. I just don’t see the loss of Verlander making a 20 game difference.
  14. Bregman should be leading off. It’s so obvious, which is why it will never happen.
  15. So is repeatedly calling strikes off the plate.
  16. It saved money, too. It paid dividends immediately just to unload him.
  17. Maybe they’ll finally win a game in which Dubon starts today.
  18. To be fair, Chas didn’t ever project to be as good as he actually is (which may be part of why he continues to be underrated, I don’t know), and on the other hand, even top prospects flame out all the time. With so much uncertainty, I’m skeptical that all 3 will be hits. But you don’t really need them ALL to, so I agree in general.
  19. Nah. McCormick will hit free agency at 32, and he’s an above average player (and absolutely should be the everyday CF), but nothing more than that. He’s already on the team friendly deal-he’s never going to be expensive, you’re not going to want him beyond his years of team control, and someone will emerge to replace him internally by 2027 if the farm system even has a pulse. He’s a cog, not a piece you build around.
  20. Your understanding is not wrong, but part of the point was to establish a pure, holy society-that “ city on the hill”-in contrast to the worldliness of Holland. That meant they needed to uphold their covenant with God, which was enforced very strictly, so that he would bless them. That‘s not religious freedom at all.
  21. You’re telescoping a couple of centuries of development there, though. The only colony advocating separation of church and state early on was Rhode Island-established as a refuge because Roger Williams was expelled from Massachusetts as a heretic, precisely because the Puritans did NOT believe in it.
  22. It’s not a matter of it not being fully developed; they didn’t believe in it at all. There’s a broad misconception that people like the Pilgrims came here seeking “religious freedom.” They already had that in Holland. They came here largely to establish their own religion.
  23. Yeah, if Diaz is not significantly better as a bat, he’s not going to last. That’s the reason he’s here. Edit: And for a bat first prospect who hit well through the minors to then be interchangeable with literally one of the worst hitting everyday players in baseball history would be a pretty disappointing outcome to say the least.
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