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Everything posted by Dolemite

  1. Kushner, Egypt’s Sissi discuss Israel-Palestinian peace process Egyptian president calls for a two-state solution, with East Jerusalem as the Palestinian capital https://www.timesofisrael.com/kushner-egypts-sissi-discuss-israel-palestinian-peace-process/
  2. He might need to watch a few "Fresh Out" videos by Big Herc.
  3. Been locked out of his house for a couple of weeks.
  4. Welcome to America. http://www.brasscheck.com/druggingkids/ http://www.cchr.org/cchr-reports/child-drugging/introduction.html
  5. Lmao. Better to just do what Trumps say. Better that way.
  6. Own fundraising mechanism likely refers to the CIA running the drug trade. We are so fucked. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Inouye
  7. Thanks man. Sort out of patience today. And yes, the above is for fucking real, with the Hubbell part really bringing the lulz. You would have to be blind to not see who Chelsea's real daddy is.
  8. https://twitter.com/danney_williams?ref_src=twsrc^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author
  9. Dolemite


    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memex Vannevar Bush: I never knew what a genius he was. Memex as DARPA project: https://www.wired.com/2015/02/darpa-memex-dark-web/ https://www.darpa.mil/program/memex https://www.darpa.mil/about-us/timeline/memex I came across MEMEX some time ago but didn't really know the context to create a topic about it until today when I read the below that must have come from the work sponsored by DARPA. Google Is Training Machines to Predict When a Patient Will Die https://www.bloombergquint.com/business/2018/06/18/google-is-training-machines-to-predict-when-a-patient-will-die
  10. Hillary will never be president. Reason 101.
  11. Trumps learned everything about the military from Hogans Heros.
  12. I think Reagan started the tradition of saluting.
  13. If I were them I would tell Kim to just do what Mr. Trumps says so I could just be rich and party all the time. Maybe even move to LA. Make a movie even. NBA for sure.
  14. There is no one to take KJU's place. All the generals are old and have no birthright. Had their been others available to take over this would be a different situation. KJU is only 34, and while he has done some things, most of the heavy lifting on the evil end was done by his father and grandfather.
  15. Years ago I use to get my hair cut by a Korean lady. As a child, she escaped from North Korea along with a dozen or so others. They had to travel up a stream in the dead of night, in freezing weather and pass underneath a bridge, where NK guards were posted. One of the women in the group had an infant. The mother knew and understood that if her infant made any noise what so ever that it was to be immediately pushed under the water and drowned.
  16. Long discussion. Maybe best to watch last 5 minutes first, then start at the beginning. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siegfried_S._Hecker
  17. Kim doesn't have much choice. HIs country is in ruins and his chief benefactor, China, has told him its time to change. Why did they tell him that? Because Trump is leaning on them with tariffs. Even if he had a choice it's not logical to keep going down the same old path that his father and grandfather went down. It didn't get them anywhere. Why would he think it would be different for him? My experience has been that people generally do what is in their perceived best interest. Surely Kim would rather be the top guy in a prosperous country than in the hell hole he currently operates in. We will see, but I know one thing. Fucking Trump will get his way, one way or the other because he always has. Its how he operates. Unrelenting, and insufferable.
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