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Everything posted by locodos

  1. Lot of great stuff to go through, thanks for the recommendations and keep'em coming. If you're going to go Petty, a different choice would be Mudcrutch...
  2. I have an old '72 FJ... it's simple stupid and basically indestructible
  3. I feel like that thread would have a definitive winners and losers... though it might be hard to tell them apart
  4. Help me build a Spotify Playlist.... 70's guitar rock Looking for recommendations for good songs from the 70's- ish (southern rock-ish) that are great driving songs. Looking for songs in the vein of Whipping Post by the Allman Brothers (I know '69), Freebird, Black Betty, etc... thanks
  5. Having been to Michigan in the 90's for work, it's amazing to me that they produce anything, nevermind anything of quality. Glad I'm wrong. Michigan is basically the canary in the American coal mine IMHO.
  6. Wait, You tow your home? You're going to be shocked to find out that you can have more than one vehicle. In your case you need a Canyonero. 90+% do not. I'm not even close to suggesting people shouldn't buy or drive what they want, but the vast vast majority of folks buy trucks as a lifestyle statement. But you can't put a Yeti / Salt Life stickers on a Camry. When I buy a truck, I keep them for 10+ years, use them sparingly to tow boats, haul stuff etc and that's about it. I have fewer than 6k miles per year on my current truck. My other cars are just better in every other way. I'll get flamed for this but in the vast majority of DOMESTIC chores a minivan does everything a pickup truck will do but better. I just don't want to own one.
  7. Jeans (dungarees) were invented for hard work... then on the basis of aesthetics alone they became popular and everyone started wearing them, not because they were coal miners or lumberjacks but because it became cool. Redwing boots... built for miners, now a fixture on hipsters.... you get it, right? Trucks used for work, cheap, and purpose built, time passes, and now you have GMC Denali for $80k, Tundras for $70k which are more tailored for public consumption than work. Sure you can use them to haul and tow but that's not why they are being purchased. As for you advice to sell the Tundra and buy a smaller truck... well the current Tacoma is the same size as my 1st Gen Tundra (Which is still too big since I'm not towing big boats anymore). Who makes a "small" pickup truck?
  8. Pickup trucks have gone from utilitarian cool to status symbol cool. I just want to know who these giants are that can easily put something in the bed of their truck without opening the tailgate. I have a Tundra Crewmax and its stupid what a pain in the ass it is to load and unload. I always think about the OLD Tacoma I had that was quick nimble and easy to use. The older smaller trucks are become boutique / collector items now
  9. I can't hear their music and not envision a roller rink
  10. I'm not a Boston fan per se, in fact there are few if any groups that I fanboy for or against ... I just like what I like. Flip to any of the time marks in this video and tell me this was not a good performance / concert. More about the music than the spectacle that fucking glam pop "rock" was about to bury us in.
  11. Depends on the industry and role, no question some require a physical presence component. Having worked at a company that had a full set of tools to work remotely since '98 it's amazing to hear old tired rehashes of how it can't work. Companies that feel the need to control employees physically to ensure work is done have been sloppy in hiring and have poor management. A company that can only pull from a worker pool of probably half a metro area will be trounced by the same company that can pull the most talented workers from around the world. I've seen it. Of course its hard to know if it was the workforce talent or the lack of vision/management.
  12. If you trim that grass it'll make your deck look bigger
  13. IMO Return to work seems to be purely the policy of vainglorious control freaks. Companies have successful shifted the vast majority of facilities cost to their workers while extending worker hours and availability. C levels just miss the bowing and scraping.
  14. Grunge and the NW scene had sucked all the air out of the room and this band just didn't get the attention it deserved. Blues for the Red Sun is also great. Listen to the whole thing or jump to 20:23 Space Cadet => Demon Cleaner
  15. I picture an unshaven mountain of a man in a safety vest & eye protection standing on the tarmac atop a mound of lost luggage. Guitar slung low just shredding the one G&R riff he knows while his coworkers toss bag after bag onto the pile like a ritualistic sacrifice.
  16. Yeah he spent at least 3 minutes flipping through his phone looking for a picture and then apologizing that his cat was also in the picture... (Amp looked pristine from the cat pic) the whole time this is what I was thinking... But ya know a cool amp for dirt cheap? Accommodations can be made... I just have no idea if that's even a desirable AMP. I'd been more thinking of a Roland JC-120 (or smaller)
  17. Soooooo I was picking up a prescription for my daughter and was talking with my wife about a pc cable for my son' Spark40 amp... and the pharmacist evidently over hears us and says "hey I'm moving and I have a tube amp that is amazing, it's an Ampeg Reverbrocket 212. I can't use it at the new apartment. I'll bring it in tomorrow you can check it out. I gave my strat to my brother in law and gave up on guitar al together" Goes on for a few minute talking it up and basically insisting he bring it into CVS for me to try out?! WTF? Boundries He said all of that before I got a word in edge wise Is that a decent AMP? I'm kind of looking for an AMP but this seems cray cray I asked him how much he wants for it and he just avoided the question (but he seems really really motivated) He says I can try it out and that it's OK because he knows where I live What say you Shaggites?
  18. Depends on where you put the sharpie
  19. https://www.npr.org/2023/01/03/1144994454/the-smile-tiny-desk-concert enjoy
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