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Everything posted by TexasMan

  1. The rave reviews for Spider-Man just keep pouring in!
  2. Using this one for the next 7 months:
  3. Hopefully he can play this well if we put some weight on him
  4. He can wear a tutu for all I care, if he can ball out like this on Saturdays
  5. Can't even hate. A tremendous class they hauled in - dropping bags or otherwise. This does however put tremendous pressure on Jimbo to at least be in the CFP in the next 2 years or aggy will be out with their pitchforks.
  6. The funny thing is all the aggy in the replies and quote RTs are talking about "what a great player and ambassador that represents everything right about texum University!" A loudmouth safety who constantly talked shit but never backed it up and got burned on the biggest plays? Now imagine if he had this same exact career but played for mean old tay yew! Something tells me they wouldn't view him as an "ambassador". They might call him something else - probably starting with an "n".
  7. Uhhh, who gave him this advice? Will he even be drafted?
  8. RIP to a Texas legend
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