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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Drifterwood

  1. Hey, things might seem bad over there right now, but they at least can celebrate being possibly the best one-game-over-.500 team with two conference losses at this point in the season.
  2. That red zone possession was atrocious. The Arthur Smith and Ridder combo is not looking good this season.
  3. Biggest impact from this weekend is that we now have no margin for error. We’ll see what kind of program growth has really taken place. For the past 14 years, a loss like this has totally taken the wind out of our sails. This team has everything it needs, on paper, to run the table and earn a trip to the conference championship. Let’s see if they nut up and take care of business. It’s definitely not a given and we can’t afford any half-ass effort games. The Big 12 can’t possibly want a rematch in the championship game and we are no longer in the driver’s seat.
  4. If y’all think the calls have been bad to this point, y’all ain’t seen shit. It’s gonna get real ugly now that OU is in the driver’s seat and the conference definitely doesn’t want a rematch in the championship game.
  5. I wouldn’t worry about that much for the next 15 or so hours that it lasts
  6. I love the dude but I think I’d stop short of “elite pass catching ability” based on the easy TD drops from this season. Still, if he keeps up the play of the last few games, yes he should go pro.
  7. Bottom line for this game is that OU looks to be a much improved team from last year. Thing is, they’re not 49 points better than last year. And that isn’t even taking into account the fact that UT is much improved too, and more battle-tested. All the pressure is on them. We’re gonna cruise.
  8. What do the donors have to do with anything? If big money ag donors could control results through desperation they’d have won something meaningful in the last 20 years.
  9. Well, if we make it to the title game thanks to backup QBs, that’s fine with me. Because I know no one is going to buttfuck this team the way TCU got beat in that game.
  10. Love seeing all the posts about Jimbo not getting a pass this season due to Weigman’s injury because Max is a badass. Can’t wait for all the posts about Jimbo getting a pass this season due to Weigman’s injury when Max is ass. You could set your clocks by this shit.
  11. Not enough room in the jails for a 7PM kick
  12. C’mon, man. These people aren’t mysteries. “tu got lucky catching Bama early, before they hit their stride. This was a way better Bama team than what tu saw.”
  13. Bama 21 Texas 17 Bama gets 317 total yards Ugly game
  14. Thinking home favorites this weekend: TCU -20.5 Tennessee-28 Washington -14 Texas -35 Penn St. -20.5
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