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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by TornACL

  1. I'm here for the gangbang.
  2. He doesn't trust his instincts and he doesn't stay focused on his responsibilities because, presumably, he doesn't trust his teammates. The play that stood out to me was the Lamar bootleg run. JS has responsibility for 8, but he inexplicably starts chasing the RB and by the time he realized it was a bootleg, there is no way he's catching Lamar. It's hard enough to catch Lamar even if you play it right. But there are also cases where the alignment at the snap was so fucking wrong that it wouldn't have mattered. It reminds me a little of some of the worst Texas defenses. Guys not handing their gap responsibilities because they're either poorly coached or they know the dumb asses next to or behind them can't be trusted.
  3. It's in the next paragraph. Little bit of this, little bit of that. Personally I am done with Jaylon Smith and was even more resolute in that belief when he told reporters to "watch the tape" when questioned about his 2020 season. I don't give a fuck if you're Mike Singletary, you should always be looking to improve. I think his only mission in life was to get back on the field after his knee exploded. Kudos for him for doing that, but he seems to forget that now he has to work on his craft.
  4. Any of yall Athletic subscribers? If so be sure to check out the two part series Bob Sturm did on Jaylon Smith 2020 film review. Really in depth shit. He had four anonymous coaches break down 8 or so of Jaylon's most infamous plays this year to try to understand if he is just total garbage or if it's something else. Really good insight not only about Jaylon and his annoying tendencies to not trust himself or his teammates, but also some of the fundamental flaws of this year's defense. It's thoroughly depressing, but I feel it made me smarter about football.
  5. The entire Trump administration was bravado mixed with equal parts ignorance and incompetence. An organization takes the culture from its leader, so this was no surprise. Bunch of empty suits double fisting bullhorns.
  6. Did anybody ask her whether Texas and A&M should play again? That question usually gets asked at every press conference I watch live.
  7. I haven't been able to find an answer yet. One property website says that is now owned by Metroplex Multifoods, which operates Taco Bell franchises. If so, big meh on that. On another note, I saw that Poop Deck is relocating to the old Fred's space on Bluebonnet Circle. That news brought back the memory of when Tim Love took over the Oui Lounge and tried to spruce it up... and it closed within like 6 months? Fuckin douche.
  8. Everything about that post was awesome. Laughing my ass off at that UAPC PR.
  9. I think the whole situation had a lotta ins lotta outs lotta what have yous.
  10. Admitting to cowardice to own the libs.
  11. These are the same idiots who used to hold up TSA lines screaming about fourth amendment violations. I fucking hate people.
  12. The old Republicans that just laid down and resigned, opening up their seats for fanatical Trumpists made this much worse more quickly.
  13. What happened yesterday wasn't politics, dweeb. It's not like there is a banner posted whenever some libtard/neocon makes a really stupid speech on Capitol Hill. Personally, I see no harm in throwing up a quick banner whenever some potentially serious shit is going down in the world. I mean if, for example, the nukes are about to start flying, I'd like to know if I am aimlessly wandering the Hot or Not thread. I may need to know how much time I have left to rub one out before the end of days.
  14. The Columbus cops told us we needed to get lost asap shortly after the game had ended. I asked them what the hell are we doing wrong, and one cop told us, nothing, that it's for our own safety. He wasn't wrong.
  15. He could still go out today and go 8 for 105 on Philly's trash ass secondary.
  16. You could put 30 pages of connect the dots swastika drawings in the middle of the book to cut down on the writing and to increase sales.
  17. That video is strictly in response to the new threat that he could be impeached and convicted and unable to run again in 2024. The second time runs out and the inauguration is complete, he'll start campaigning for the next election and will do even more damage. Gotta make that an impossibility by moving forward with impeachment. Pence would probably immediately pardon him, but I would rather end his political career for good than deal with him firing up the campaign grift again.
  18. There is nothing worse than an utterly stupid person who thinks they know everything, and the lady in that airport video proves that.
  19. The R's never had a case then and they don't need a case now re: "election fraud". Who needs courtrooms when you can just garble garble a bunch of bullshit on the internet, and mouth breathing morons will be immediately convinced that there is a vast conspiracy.
  20. I am gonna say cocaine was also involved, because damn that was a lot of words.
  21. It's going to be weird to wake up and not fire up Twitter to see what our dumb fucking president is aggrieved about today.
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