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Doc Daneeka

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Everything posted by Doc Daneeka

  1. And as for the scrubs of the world, I think it was Klatt who commented that Texas’ improvement along the lines of scrimmage is what will make the difference in the type of upset. They’ll just choke out the Kansases of the world the way Georgia and Alabama have. They might get upset, but they’ll get upset by a better class of cockroach.
  2. They fuck up against underdogs. Almost every team. Almost every year.
  3. And faster than so many guys taking the wrong angle were expecting, too.
  4. Off the top of my head, Texas could’ve put 100 on Kansas and Colorado if Brown had felt like it.
  5. Almost everyone fucks up every season, though. Aren’t only two of Saban’s championships with unbeaten teams?
  6. Yes, not realizing that scheme and personnel are two different things could lead to that.
  7. The offense, not the players executing the offense. Please tell me we’re not rehabilitating GDGD now.
  8. So, in a way, this beatdown might be doing Kansas a favor. Not all storms come to destroy.
  9. Including people who were handwringing about the game and Texas’ looking ahead or whatever. “This is a trap game, I just don’t see how Texas covers.” Texas covers. ”This was a a really disappointing effort. I thought Texas would win by more.”
  10. Beats the ever lovin’ piss out of 113°. Supposed to cool down some here around Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning. It kind of did a few weeks back. Hopefully, it will stick this time.
  11. Agreed, but if you’re going to throw back, throw back.
  12. JFC, that’s an obscure reference even for here. Well done.
  13. I took about three steps from my car after parking it and it started to sprinkle. I went back to get a sweatshirt. I should’ve just gotten the fuck back in and gone home.
  14. I print in all caps, so I’m kind of partial to Copperplate. Font choice aside, though, it feels like literally no one, at any level of any organization, knows for sure what’s going to happen.
  15. The overnight low is forecast to be 65° Friday night. If that holds, it’ll be warmer than 70° at kick but, yes, much more enjoyable than even this Saturday. Bonus is that, so far, nothing about the wind being a factor.
  16. Yes, if things go badly, things will go badly. Let’s all curl up over a home game against a 16.5 point underdog that has neither the skill nor the line players Texas does, just in case.
  17. This is the first Texas team in way too damned long that a) I expect to win and b) I think can win by playing to its potential rather than hoping the other guys screw up. Cumulative probability being what it is, the odds are relatively low that Texas gets to 12-0 (or 13-0), let alone beyond that, though. Still, bring the focusness every week and, given the schedule, Texas has about as good a shot as anyone else of doing it.
  18. It’s all good. They’re just opinions and we don’t all have to have the same ones. I’m not saying OU is elite or anything, mostly just that the game in Dallas goes like we expect even less often than a regular game. I’m also not saying TCU is terrible. They will bring their A game. I hope they’re ranked. I’d obviously rather Texas not lose to any of these clowns, but that’s a big ask even for a good team.
  19. Only about half the time. The defense was out there, too.
  20. Starting point is a thing. Trajectory is a thing. How rotten to the core the locker room in Austin was is a thing. It will be easy enough to compare the results of the two over time.
  21. ESPN says they’re #91 in efficiency, so I’d definitely be interested in the metric.
  22. Unless they edited his answer for the YouTube version, he seemed to have forgotten to answer that when he was asked. Or, if Ward makes either of the two field goals he missed. Edit: And, frankly, that was on Akers. If you leave the defense out there against a fake, no one comes within a zip code of an actual punt.
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