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Doc Daneeka

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Everything posted by Doc Daneeka

  1. A&M has been tested. They failed. I think the flaw in the Aggies’ take is that they think Auburn and Arkansas are much of anything. They’ve painted themselves into a corner with their attempt to explain Texas’ win in Tuscaloosa. If they lose, they’re more or a joke. If they win, they beat a down team at home.
  2. The Big 12 really needs Texas to lose at least twice, imo. If the goal were to make that happen, I don’t think it would be reasonable to rely on WV, KSU, etc. to make it feasible for it to happen twice outside of OU.
  3. Yeah, I figured it was something like that or a wireless mouse. Not worth the trouble, imo, even though I ran an extra HDMI cable through the wall in case I ever changed my mind.
  4. I suspect the plan, such as it is, will be to try to bring the resources to try to keep Brooks from gashing them and see if Ewers can do anything about it. I’ve been wrong before, though.
  5. Those applying the pressure should hope I never get diagnosed with a terminal disease.
  6. “Texas could pop one here, look for a hold but don’t waste it on an incompletion. I’ll stand over the ball until the defense catches its breath. We ready?”
  7. Short of dragging a long HDMI cable across the room and having the computer next to you, how do you switch between windows on said computer to get different audio?
  8. Wait until you see how Alabama is no longer down and is, in fact, probably the second best team in the country now that Saban has set Millroe straight.
  9. It’s not like they’ve needed cover, but how would this give them cover? Maybe someone who’s good with stats — a statsman, let’s call him — could look at the Texas games called by Mar’s crew and compare them with other Texas games and other Mar games and see if there’s any statistical significance to what seems like a fuck job. Then post the info and maybe get people ready for what they’re going to see.
  10. I think it was in the thread that talked about Herman’s teams overperforming… grind clock, run the QB, do well on 3rd, 4th, and red zones (offense and defense). It read like being a grinding, hard out wasn’t reflected well in his algorithm.
  11. Are you writing to me on a public forum? I don't know you. Who is this? Don't come here, I'm closing the browser! Prank poster, prank poster! I was thinking more of an old school Mission: Impossible limo switch or something.
  12. For beating a down Alabama? Something, something cake and eat it, too.
  13. Texas looks to be -6.5 in a lottttt of places. Even if you buy that line, that’s about 67/33 Texas.
  14. Something like “you and OU are partners in crime for leaving for the SEC together, so is there still ‘embrace the hate’ this week?”
  15. Bush won because ESPN started blowing him with “total yards” and he ran back a crapton of kicks, even though his average was below that of Texas’ kick returner..
  16. You miss the part where I said Sarkisian is pretty good at it? Apparently. That distinguishes him from your examples. Sarkisian doesn’t call them because he’s stupid. You may not agree with his rationale, but he does pretty well with it.
  17. Bohls with the fuckwittery never disappoints.
  18. Failing to cover by multiple scores? Multiple safeties, I suppose.
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