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Everything posted by Incredulity

  1. Start the year with End of Q1 End of Q2 End of Q3 Year end 24 Or mix and match as you see fit.
  2. Wait, I thought it was sell in May and go away?
  3. Because they made the decision to ramp up when the barrel price was $100 and every talking head was in agreement it was headed upwards. These things(production) don't just turn on and off like a light switch.
  4. or that Vacation and Christmas Vacation were only 6 years apart
  5. Why in the name of everything holy would they use a picture from Die Hard III? It's like I'm playing cards with my brothers kids or something. Christ!
  6. I have heard representatives of the Administration say they are going to fill it, and or are filling it on cable business/news shows recently. I don't really know how much granular data is available on what is actually happening. here is what a simple google turns up https://www.energy.gov/ceser/articles/us-department-energy-announces-monthly-solicitations-purchase-oil-strategic
  7. “Globalize the Intifada” and “From the river to the sea” are calling for the genocide of Jews. Yes, there have been protests with those chants used repeatedly at all the universities involved in the congressional testimony. Don’t be fatuous.
  8. I think $500 but I’ve never looked into what it takes to get a higher amount available. even if he had a 2k limit that is still a shitload of atm withdrawals
  9. It was Cuomo, Geraldo Rivera, Sean Spicer and Bill O’Reily. Quite weird
  10. These are the new leads. These are the Glengarry leads. And to you, they're gold. And you don't get them. Why? Because to give them to you is just throwing them away.
  11. I’ve heard both and also “No skin off my teeth”. Don’t know if that is supposed to be ironic or play off the others..
  12. I’m of a generation prior to camera phone ubiquity, but I could never imagine an unsolicited dong pic as a winning move when trying to get tobsome naked time with a woman. But I admittedly have been out of the game a long while.
  13. Sometime around 2008 or so I was traveling through Duluth, Minnesota and encountered a fairly prominent coffee chain in the area named Beaners. I was stunned that I was seeing it and quite surprised that was accepted in the area. Read a few years back they changed the name, which made sense.
  14. Yup, There are innumerable country bars all over Wisconsin that match this description. It's really quite something to behold. I considered myself experienced with rural bars and taverns all over the western United States, Wisconsin is another level for quantity, alcohol consumption and cast of characters.
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