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Everything posted by Incredulity

  1. 45min, 25min... https://www.c-span.org/video/?535146-1/president-biden-speaks-2024-nabtu-conference
  2. PCE higher than expected. GDP lower than expected. Market in the shitter. Stagflation back in the conversation?
  3. I’m convinced that CB is doing a parody of the lunatics on the left.
  4. Everyone knows the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan because of the ass whipping John J Rambo put on them in Rambo Part III.
  5. Yeah, probably a dumb question to a board filled with lawyers. LOL.
  6. I was going to ask if anyone had seen a non-compete vigorously enforced. I have seen/heard bluster and sternly worded notes but not seen full blown litigation. Although I am sure it happens, it doesn't seem really common. Broadly, I think NC for Fortune 500 companies are a joke. As with most rules and regulations its small to mid-cap companies that will be hurt the most.
  7. No comment on her motivations/politics , but Crackhead Barney’s twitter is good for a few laughs and WTFs. Crazy weird shit.
  8. I would guess if there was a big physical interaction it would be getting massive coverage(maybe thats coming). If I was on a jury that was hearing a case about AB and this situation, had he made that person eat the phone, I would vote to acquit.
  9. This screams mid-tier CFB team. Things like the 5280 on the helmet was new hotness a decade ago. just awful
  10. mine was Des Moines when we were doing state capitals in the 4th grade or so. Grew up no where near Iowa. I had it as Dess Mo-iness How the fuck would I know?
  11. I believe public school MMR(measels, mumbs, rubella) vaccine requirements started in the 1950's.
  12. read the thread. No, I don't. As I have stated above I feel incredibly sorry for Alec's situation. Nobody deserves to be harangued like he is in this video, I was surprised he was holding it together because he has generally demonstrated he has a temper. Ending didn't shock me, but surprised me a bit. I think Alec is generally an asshole and I don't agree with his politics. He is a very good actor and I have liked a lot of his performances.
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