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Everything posted by Incredulity

  1. 1.) supply shocks from lockdowns 2.) demand boom from stimulus Currently we are dealing with knock on effects of the first wave of inflation that make inflation sticky, such as ballooning commercial/business insurance.
  2. Nobody has said that. It’s been accused as subtext ad-nauseam. First we had the denial phase… then we had the bargaining phase… classic stages of grief by the double couponing crew.
  3. Cliffs: it’s not a revenue problem. It’s a spending problem which is being amplified by higher rates.
  4. That’s not going to end well. source: real estate thread and buyers agent commission settlement
  5. Not this shit again. Federal tax revenue has been in the same approximately 15-18% of GDP for 7 decades https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FYFRGDA188S
  6. I stand in economic reality. Unlike yourself and the double coupon, sack lunch head up ass crew
  7. Massive deficits for the foreseeable future. Or rate cuts. Nobody has the political will(probably rightfully so, political suicide) to raise enough taxes to deal with the issue.
  8. Bullshit. The thread topic is inflation. A phenomenon the economy hadn’t dealt with for about 40 years. Yes, its a bad thing. Maybe the forum isn’t for you if your fe-fes get hurt when anyone discusses the economy.
  9. why don't you want to discuss the current economic data?
  10. in the clip above? If so, no there was a fairly vigorous, not outlandish, debate between pro-palestine/pro-israel with a good bit of both sides and everything is fucked mixed in. (after the CB segment) CB is either purely click motivated, literally insane, or doing a world class parody.
  11. I'll gladly depart. My initial response was to a minimization of, "threatening chants". Enjoy the thread.
  12. It's revealing of your character that you think its ok to chase Jewish people around Columbia University chanting about their extermination and repeatedly attempt to burn down Federal Courthouses with hundreds of federal employees inside.
  13. FIF Captainantifa and the leftists
  14. No. Feel free to put me on ignore. Nowhere did I say the UT protest yesterday was antisemitism. I've been abundantly clear. Jokes about chasing Jews aren't fucking funny.
  15. ha, ha, ha, ha....antisemitism is so funny. the fuck is wrong with you.
  16. I guess you are actually stupid enough to think yesterday at UT happened in a vacuum.
  17. I don't have a target number or timeframe, unfortunately
  18. GDP lower than expectations Inflation higher than expectations Today, bad news is bad news I guess.
  19. fuck you and feel free to put me on ignore. Jews being chased through campuses is not a trivial issue. You should be embarrassed taking the position, "stop bringing that shit up". What the fuck is wrong with you?
  20. I assume you mean '23. Unfortunately, "someday be refinanced" is literally meaningless. There was logic in the thinking rates COULD come down and the mortgages would be refinanced. Of course that was never a certainty and some will claim they were sold a bill of goods. I will say it for the hundredth time, I think rates coming down is inevitable due to the federal debt accumulation. whether that is 6weeks, 6 months or 60 months away is anyone's guess.
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