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Horn of Gabriel

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Posts posted by Horn of Gabriel

  1. What's maddening about this NIL-bullshit it how hairsplitting the inducement side is for recruits:

    Booster/Collective: "You'll get $50K if you come play OL for Texas next year" <-- Inducement!  Illegal!  Non-compliant!

    Coach: "Hi OL recruit, did you hear the report that all enrolled full-time students who play OL at Texas will get $50K/year starting next year?" <-- perfectly fine

    Everyone, I mean everyone knows that it's the same fucking thing.  Even better is the Miami LifeWallet guy.  Can we just drop the pretense and call NIL for what it is: Pay-for-play?  I'm sure there were a handful of people just waiting on the sidelines to connect Longhorns with *legit charity causes* but couldn't because of the old system and are now overjoyed to give these worthy charities exposure (and any benefit to the players is secondary of course) but 99.9999% of SEC Collectives are doing NIL with the express purpose of making the team more competitive for championships; not side benefits like making players richer, giving charities better coverage, or whatever.  Caterwauling about what NIL is or isn't or what it was "supposed to be" in terms of Name, Image, and Likeness is laughable.  Once the barn door was opened to legally paying players, any rationale that people are willing-to-pay to support is now legit.  So yeah, it's effectively salary, minus the salary-cap.  

    Compliance and boosters need to deal with that - because the best players have certainly realized it.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  2. Here are two great articles if you want to dig into the details of this epic business failure.



    A few notable facts that will make you shake your head: CNN's free liner TV offering average audience was about 534k viewers last year.  Yet, they somehow convinced themselves that they were going to sign up a MILLION paying users for CNN+... in other words they were planning on getting twice the amount of paying users that watch their product...for free.  In what world does that make remote sense?  I teach and consult in Marketing and Pricing and it's a good rule of thumb that for a freemium product (free version you try to convert people to paid), you can expect about a 1-3% conversion rate to paid, depending on circumstances.  At the midpoint of that, 2% of 534K is 10,680...which is just over the reported 10K they actually got to sign up.

    They spent $300M on this product development and launch, including a hefty fee to McKinsey to do a market study for them(!!!).  I saw a great tweet that I can't find now that said: "Interestingly there isn't a market for McKinsey to tell executives that their idea is stupid."

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  3. 15 hours ago, Sandbagging Steve said:

    The administration at UT makes the job an uphill battle.

    This is lazy and tired.  If you're going to make this assertion, name names and actions.  What specifically does administration do to make it an uphill battle?  Who does it?  Just saying "durrrr...Plonsky!" is insufficient.  I've seen the administration raising a shit ton of money for improvements, massive budget for assistant coaches, basically giving Sark whatever he's asked for - I certainly haven't heard of the admin leaving Football wanting for anything.  So what is it?

    • Hook 'Em 7
  4. 3 hours ago, A-Tex Devil said:

    Just found this thread.  We've been dealing with trying to ID wife's autoimmune issues for last two years.  I feel like I am in a multi-year episode of House with 5 different doctors that barely talk to each other and just send her back and forth. 

    After our daughter was born in late 2013, about 6 months later she had acute pancreatic failure that severely limited her diet and she lost a ton of weight.  She got through that and things seemed to be fine.  Then about the time the pandemic started she started getting more and more GI issues and was eventually diagnosed formally with Celiac last year.,  We started getting a handle on that when her gall bladder freaked out last Thanksgiving and had to be removed.  No stones but severely necrotic.  Since then, it's been a battle to keep on weight and stay above 100 pounds (she's 5'3"), although we are starting to get there.  She started getting IVIG infusions, but then had anotherr episode that sent her to the hospital where she was in severe pain and had a to of night sweats.  So we temporarily stopped those.  Blood tests show thyroid issues and liver issues.  So maybe Hashimotos,, maybe autoimmune hepatitis.  No one knows.  But she sweats buckets every night and has regular joint pain.  Plus she's a fucking anxious stress ball which doesn't help matters, but trying to solve for that in the near term is a losing battle.   Doctors have come back and said restart IVIG infusions.  Those fucking wipe her out for 2 days, but apparently benefits come after months.  

    In any event, thyroid scan tomorrow and hopefully that will show something (or not).  It's a fucking beating for her, though, not knowing and sweating through 3 sets of clothes every night.  

    Are you with an Endocrinologist?  Sounds like an endocrine issue?

  5. 43 minutes ago, tokamak said:

    Monthly fee going up $5/mo starting June 1

    Kinda B.S.  They sent me the email on that this morning with all the "value" they've added to the subscription, of which I care about 0% and don't use.  Maybe some of the add'l instructors but I don't do strength classes, I don't have a treadmill, I don't care about collabs with rando artists.  I guess I'm in the ecosystem b/c you have a brick w/o the sub but still.

  6. Bob Wheeler is a cunt.  I know from personal experience.  I worked with him to build LFZ many years ago.  He made promises of payments that never showed up, and was threatening and generally just a complete beating to work with at all times.  He had an extremely high opinion of himself and his importance, and really got off on being worshiped on his own site.  A hero in his own mind, as his book cover shows.  Major little man Napoleon complex going on there, he's very sensitive about being called short, which he definitely is (notice how he's always wearing high heeled boots LOL).

    After I bailed on him when he shorted and failed to pay me several times for work, he left me a rambling VM about how worthless I was and how LFZ was nothing, he was going to "go take a HTML class and figure out this shit on his own."  LOL, ok bro.  Of course, LFZ crashed a few weeks later when he's trying to upgrade it, and he immediately calls me to swoop back in and fix it.  Yeah, no - especially when you start off your message with "I know you intentionally fucked my shit up and you need to take responsibility and fix it or I'm going to sue you."  He threatened to sue a lot.  Eventually I told him "go for it, I'm judgement proof, p.s. fuck off"  Never heard from him again.

    A few months later the OSU bus debacle happened.  I'm amazed that people didn't see through his bullshit more, and feel bad that people got screwed.  Imagine how bad it would have been if LFZ had progressed as far as Shaggy/Surly and treefiddy...I'm convinced he would have stolen a whole lot more than he got away with.  Who craters their entire reputation for a few grand? It's been years since I thought of ole' Bob, I wonder what ditch he's slithering around in now out by Mexia...

    • Hook 'Em 2
  7. On 3/22/2022 at 8:09 PM, immamac said:

    Eskimo hut guy is a rich asshole who hated blacklab so sued him on behalf of what was left of the startups entity that in theory owned a percentage all of blacklab prior and future work. 

    As a result of losing does he still get to claim a % of your future work???

  8. Type 1 diabetes checking in here.  I've helped a few people on the board with issues on this and am always happy to talk, I could write a book on this disease.  Chapter 1 of the book is what I'm going to call "It's not fucking Type II diabetes, idiot, I was born this way!"  So many ignorant people who hear "diabetes" and go immediately into "dibeetus" mode and gift me with a lecture about how I need to eat better to control it or even make it go away!  Thanks chucklefuck, I do need to eat better, but no that won't make Type 1 go away because it literally doesn't work that way.

    I also have Hashimoto's Thyroidosis which I think is classified as auto immune?  They took my thyroid out a few years ago.  The combination of T1 and no thyroid makes my metabolism basically non-existent which makes weight management a joy.

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  9. 1 hour ago, Blotto said:

    Exactly. RGBIII seems to feel there is a material difference between generically announcing "come to Texas and play [this position] and you will get paid [X] dollars" and "hey kid, here's [X] dollars, hope you come to Tenn". I just see it as different degrees of the same bullshit. Many kids will ultimately choose a school now based on who offers the best financial package. The order of operations to me is meaningless, the end result is the same.

    Also, anyone that believes Ewers agreed to transfer to Texas without multiple conversations about what he "might" get paid is a fool. I'm supposed to believe that the #1 transfer in the country, a guy that supposedly signed a $1M+ NIL deal in Ohio, just picked Texas with no understanding of what was waiting for him, and how that might compare to others schools? 

    Lucille #Arresteddevelopment #Wink #Winkwink GIF by Arrested Development -  Find & Share on GIPHY

    We bought him. That's how it works now. I didnt notice much outrage around these parts when it worked in our favor. This is college football. 

    For this reason I wonder if NIL isn't better targeted at the transfer portal guys who can't leave after they transfer (grads excepted), unlike recruits who can take the money and run (hi QE!) 

  10. 3 hours ago, RGBIII said:

    Lol ok sure, no one is in this space more than me and my compatriots. We know what a real deal is and what should fly and this ain’t it chief. I’m not oblivious that people are using it to cheat, I’m saying that it’s fucking gross to use it as a method to cheat when there are legal means to accomplish the same thing. It also paints the rest of us in a very negative light

    LOL, another NIL thread about a school-other-than-Texas where @RGBIII is immediately shitting on it and telling everyone how "illegal" it is!  We get it dude we heard the podcast, you spent 30 years studying the in's-and-out's of NIL law and you know it better than the compliance departments, yada yada yada.

    I'm fairly certain you haven't seen the contract this recruit signed.  You're reading a 2nd or 3rd hand characterization of it and making black and white assumptions.  That's dumb.  With the lawyers involved, it's probably legal.  "Spirit" of NIL is just bullshit that people trot out when they feel mad that someone else got one over on them.

    Not illegal:

    • Not inducement: it's written into the terms itself per the Athletic.  You can argue all you want about how this contract and aggy are actually bags and they'll cut off the players but ain't none of that in the contract itself and verbal doesn't count.
    • Not pay for play: the player can go to another school from wherever he originally signs and retain the benefit of the contract, JUST LIKE JARED WILEY is with Burnt Ends (said you on the podcast) even though he's transferred to TCU.
    • Not a college-enrolled student-athlete: you're getting your panties knotted on this. Per Opendorse, if this recruit is in California (likely), Utah, Nebraska, Kansas, New York and a number of other states they are legally allowed to sign NIL deals as a high-school student.  Unlike QE here in Texas unfortunately.

    Aside from definitely not being illegal, even if it were, who exactly is going to enforce any rules breaking?  Not the toothless NCAA.  So long as a NIL collective can provide the basic stamp of legality, we'll see the edges on this keep getting pushed out further and further until someone finds a line to cross.  Of course that won't be Texas, because we're purer than the driven snow, by gaud.

    • Hook 'Em 3
    • Haha 1
    • Drool 1
  11. 56 minutes ago, Bravo said:

    The simpsons have got so many things right. it is creepy. the movie idiocracy is batting near a 1.000 too.

    My good friend was an Asst. Director on Idiocracy and told me that what we saw in the final product was 1/1000th of how good the on set improv and dialogue was.  They cut a LOT out of it to tone it down.



    Joe hits the ground hard. He rolls around in pain for a beat, still barely awake.
    AS we PULL OUT, we see that every single square inch of everything is plastered with advertisements. Even the passersby's clothes are covered with ads. Everything seems to be in some stage of decay.
    WIDER ANGLE. Dumb-looking, overweight people wander around. On the back of everyone's left hand is a UPC tattoo. No one seems to have noticed or cared much about the garbage avalanche, or Joe.
    Joe gets up and painfully limps around. He looks across the street, sees something that makes him do a double-take:
    JOE'S POV:
    A cheerful T.G.I.F.-Iooking restaurant. The sign reads: Buttfucker's! (In the exact shape, color~ and font of Fuddrucker's.) .
    Joe looks at the sign a beat, at the kids' birthday party going on inside, back at the sign, and shakes his head. A guy and a girl walk by, each obese and wearing those T-shirts that make it look like you're naked.
    Excuse me, (points to Buttfucker's, blurry-eyed)could you read that sign for me?
    Read? Whudda I look like, a fag?
    The guy growls at Joe. Joe stumbles off, nearly getting run over by a broken-down futuristic car being pulled by a team of dogs. The car is continually making that annoying dinging sound indicating an open door. Joe rubs his eyes in disbelief, then walks unsteadily, holding his head.


    I attached the original Idiocracy script here in case anyone wants to read, pretty hilarious.

    3001 Original.pdf

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Rage+1 1
  12. 6 hours ago, burntorangebongos said:

    Can we pay that in dollars? Brrrrrtt. Here you go China, thank you for playing. Oh, you own a lot of shit here and it is worthless and you are bankrupt? Awww

    Or something like that. I don’t know high finance but if they do that, they fuck themselves too.

    It's actually really interesting RE: US v. China that MAD is not just about nukes now.  It's about debt and trade.

    The scary thing about MAD, aside from the world-ending nuclear apocalypse, is how you get to that point.  MAD works if both sides are roughly equal.  For US v. Russia sure it's close enough.  China is working hard to make that a triad (see what I did there?).  But what happens when a country like Russia manages their country so poorly, or gets sanctioned so hard that everything craters?  Poverty, starvation, etc?  What is left to lose at that point via MAD?  The "D" in MAD only works if you have something you care about that you don't want destroyed.

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  13. 1 minute ago, Trey3216 said:

    Pretty much every nuclear power in the world has enough satellite capability to recognize a launch signature within 2-3 seconds.  

    Yes of course.  The question is do they have the ability to track our ABM interceptors at the terminal phase?  Or do they take the word of our "public" tests?  Honest question.

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