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Everything posted by GHOSTUSER

  1. Coronavirus Live Updates: Brazilian Official Who Met With Trump Tests Positive Vice President Mike Pence warned that the United States will have thousands more cases and said that Americans returning from Europe would need to self-quarantine for 14 days. RIGHT NOW A senior Brazilian official who was with President Trump at Mar-a-Lago days ago has tested positive for the virus. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/12/world/coronavirus-news.html?action=click&module=Spotlight&pgtype=Homepage
  2. Turkish Airlines is a fucking nightmare to deal with in trying to get a refund. I called their toll free number and was told to visit a local sales office or go online to apply for a refund. There was no option to do so when I went to their website. Fucking go to Terminal D at IAH and after waiting a few hours in line was told that they will not refund my money but instead I can use the value of the ticket up to one year. They refused to deal with my Turkey domestic flight. Feel like I was purposefully given the runaround. Fuckers
  3. I am sorry you lack faith and don't understand those of us that do. Christians have willingly suffered through torture and death to celebrate mass. Those of us like me who want to worship communally should not be prohibited from doing so.
  4. Again, the Diocese of Texas has taken steps to limit infection by removing holy water from founts which can be a source of infection. I dip my fingers when it is available and cross myself with the water when I go to mass. That action and avoiding touching your face are reasonable precautions to take. Same as banning intincting. Drinking from the common cup does not have the same risks.
  5. Christians around the world withstood torture and death to celebrate mass. THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A DOCUMENTED CASE OF INFECTIOUS DISEASE SPREAD FROM THE COMMUNION CUP. I have cited the peer reviewed research in an earlier and I will do it again: Bishop Doyle from the Diocese of Texas has banned the practice of intincting the host (which is less sanitary than drinking from the communion cup because people's fingers sometimes end up touching the wine) for the time being and has ordered holy water stoups to be drained. Still there has never been a documented case of an infectious disease being transmitted from the communion cup. Every Episcopal church I have been to take the appropriate safeguards--that is, wiping the interior and exterior rim between communicants, use of care to rotate the cloth during use, and use of a clean cloth for each service - to diminish this risk Letter to the Editor from CDC Scientists, "Risk of Infectious Disease Transmission from a Common Communion Cup" American Journal of Infection Control (Vol. 26, pgs. 538-539). Key quotes: "no documented transmission of any infectious disease has ever been traced to the use of a common communion cup" and "the risk for infectious disease transmission by a common communion cup is very low" Peer-Reviewed Article, "The hazard of infection from the shared communion cup" Journal of Infection (1988) (Vol 16, pgs. 3-23). Key quote: "No episode of disease attributable to the shared communion cup has ever been reported. Currently available data do not provide any support for suggesting that the practice of sharing a common communion cup should be abandoned because it might spread infection."
  6. It's fucking ridiculous that Italy banned church services and any church in this country that does not hold services should be ashamed of themselves. At a time of need like this, leaning on faith and being able to receive the sacrament of communion is essential. There was a good op-ed about this yesterday in the Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/10/opinion/coronavirus-church-religion.html
  7. University of Pennsylvania extended spring break by a week and is directing students who are away from campus to not come back as well as forcing students on campus to leave by this Sunday. They will be instituting virtual instruction after the extended spring break. Parents and students should get a fucking refund of some of the $37,500 they are getting charged for this semester for having their Ivy League education reduced to fucking University of Phoenix level instruction
  8. The worst parts of Iranian culture exhibited by the Islamic rulers are amplifying the situation. Lies, deceit and deflecting blame are baked into Iranian culture like tahdig.
  9. About frigging time. Next they actually need to enforce said bans. They already banned some of these practices after SARS but obviously its not enough. What the Chinese really eat is so far from the Americanized Chinese food I love.
  10. All of this caused by Chinese wet markets selling wild animals that no other humans on this planet eat. They should be shamed and sanctions placed by the rest of the world so that they police and actively prohibit such markets from existing.
  11. I will actually to be at the National Conservative conference in DC this summer. My man Tucker was there last year. You might get your wish in a few months
  12. Bishop Doyle from the Diocese of Texas has banned the practice of intincting the host (which is less sanitary than drinking from the communion cup because people's fingers sometimes end up touching the wine) for the time being and has ordered holy water stoups to be drained. Still there has never been a documented case of an infectious disease being transmitted from the communion cup. Every Episcopal church I have been to take the appropriate safeguards--that is, wiping the interior and exterior rim between communicants, use of care to rotate the cloth during use, and use of a clean cloth for each service - to diminish this risk Letter to the Editor from CDC Scientists, "Risk of Infectious Disease Transmission from a Common Communion Cup" American Journal of Infection Control (Vol. 26, pgs. 538-539). Key quotes: "no documented transmission of any infectious disease has ever been traced to the use of a common communion cup" and "the risk for infectious disease transmission by a common communion cup is very low" Peer-Reviewed Article, "The hazard of infection from the shared communion cup" Journal of Infection (1988) (Vol 16, pgs. 3-23). Key quote: "No episode of disease attributable to the shared communion cup has ever been reported. Currently available data do not provide any support for suggesting that the practice of sharing a common communion cup should be abandoned because it might spread infection."
  13. Have a trip planned to Turkey in April. We are supposed to have family reunion with family from Iran join us. That’s gone to shit as no one from Iran can come. Our airfare on Turkish Air and hotels are non-cancellable. Amazingly, Turkey still does not have a reported case. We are still planning on going but I’m expecting shit to hit the fan with an outbreak in Turkey and for this trip to get scuttled.
  14. Fire D’Antoni after this game. His garbage coaching and short rotations are killing us.
  15. I don't get the huge gap between their upper deck seats in LF. Our CF and RF slays with Torchys, Shake Shack and Pluckers
  16. Doesn't change the fact that y'all lost, we have the trophy and the WS flag. You have 32 years and counting since the Dodgers last won the WS and pouting like a bitch. We have happy memories, WS champ swag, etc that will never go away.
  17. The cunt who started Astros Shame Tour on Twitter has been outed and Adam Clanton eviscerated that bitch. The most punchable looking face I have seen since Daniel Figurelli. I have mad respect for Clanton defending his hometown and our teams.
  18. After spending time in China and seeing what they really eat, it made me really appreciate Americanized Chinese food even more. It's my go to comfort food.
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