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Everything posted by GHOSTUSER

  1. Yes you did fuck face. That’s the truth. I reached out to you because I was in a bad marriage and drowning in my addiction. I was on my way to rehab when you spilled everything on SSS. You’re the type of person who puts his foot on the top of the head of someone drowning instead of offering a hand to help. You’re the worst person I know.
  2. Great song, it’s stuck in my head now for the rest of the day
  3. Laredo is mandating the wearing of masks or bandanas while outside your home.
  4. Motherfucking this. The death and destruction the assholes in mainland China have inflicted deserves massive retaliation and a demand for reparations. Our own Chinese-Americans do not deserve people's scorn but the assholes in China do. More evidence that wet markets are reopening.
  5. Get your wife to cut your hair. Bought clippers from Walmart and set up a chair on my patio to have my girlfriend do it on Saturday. She did a better job than my regular barber. That's $30 I will save every month going forward.
  6. Damn that’s a big nut for rent. Must be in a prime location or big ass space. The footprints for my restaurant tenants run between 1,300 to 2,500 SF. From the little I know about restaurants, having a guy in the back of the house who can run a tight ship and keep costs down when it comes to inventory while maintaining quality makes all the difference in the world.
  7. Thank you. I want my restaurant tenants to pay their staff and keep them intact to bounce back as quickly as possible when this shit is over. Besides being the moral and right thing to do, it is pragmatic. If my tenants go out of business, I am going to be out their rental stream for a lot longer than 2 months.
  8. my restaurant tenants were ecstatic and one almost burst into tears when I told them I was giving them abated rent for April and May in exchange for extending their term by 2 months. One of the things I enjoy about being a landlord is seeing the businesses of my tenants succeed and having a mutually beneficial relationship.
  9. Glad to see your piss poor prognosticating and desire to cause hysteria has not waned. United has cut flights by 60% starting in April. If a total ban on travel was coming they wouldn't do that. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/business/article/United-to-cut-several-domestic-international-15140886.php
  10. Concerned about how fellow addicts and alcoholics are going to cope with extended time alone at home. No 12 step meetings to attend plus idle time is a bad cocktail (pun intended) for relapse. I bet dealers are having a field day right now if they can get their hands on product.
  11. The stars are aligned for Mexico to be the alternative to China. It's in our national interest that they become an even bigger cog to our supply chain. I hope AMLO and the US government seize this opportunity and cooperate in tackling the one roadblock that'd prevent it from happening - the cartels.
  12. I just read a good article about unemployment insurance in the NYT. Apparently, you can get UI if furloughed or have your hours reduced. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/17/your-money/unemployment-insurance-coronavirus.html
  13. I don’t think unemployment insurance will pay out for furloughing employees unless the Texas Workforce Commission changes the rules. That might end up bankrupting the program unless the federal government pumps billions of dollars into it. That’s not an area of the law I am familiar with so I might be wrong.
  14. Mayor of NOLA has banned the sale of firearms. I don’t own a handgun. Seriously thinking of buying one now. The chance of society breaking down now is much worse than after something like Harvey hitting. Social distancing, hording and panicking is not a good combo to keep order.
  15. I’m willing to float my commercial tenants 3 months of abated rent but have them pay NNN if they agree to 3 year extensions and repay the 3 months of abated rent plus interest amortized over the extended term.
  16. C & A closing would be fucking terrible. That was my go to bar during law school. I still stop by every home game for a brew and burger.
  17. For fuck’s sake they’re one of the builders I was looking at
  18. I used to listen to sports talk all day long but quit after all the blathering about the Astros cheating. I’m in a better mood without it. Coronavirus canceling all sports is another stake in to the heart of my sports fandom. Looks like this terrible trade is finishing the job. All I have left is the disappointment of UT football to look forward to.
  19. Why would Deshaun want to stay in Htown with this IDIOT in charge. He got rid of Deshaun’s best friend and the best WR in football. The durability of Deshaun and his ability to make the tough catch. How are we going to replace that. Why do I care.
  20. SECOND ROUND PICK for the best WR in football. FUCK BOB AND THE TEXANS
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