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Park Gothic

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Park Gothic

  1. Goddamn there is a lot of whining about the movie tangent in this thread. It's June. Maybe we should be talking about who makes the best chicken fried steak instead? Or maybe a good ol' fashioned thread about cheese-based puns? At least with this thread I'm learning that CTJ's sense of humor is bafflingly inconsistent.
  2. I like that we're getting the final visit before he commits. Wish we had a night game against Rice for it though.
  3. “Give me a guy with his jaw stuck out, his shirt sleeves rolled up and who swaggers when he walks. I know it’s Harry High School, but if I have to make a choice I’ll take the cocky, over-confident, conceited kid over the one who has so much humility he can’t look you in the eye.”
  4. It's amazing how many Big 12 championships A&M would have won if they had stayed in the conference. Truly, they are the all-time champs of games they didn't play and conferences they aren't in.
  5. Maybe you should date a stripper with an exotic pet.
  6. The few truckers I've known in my life are all die-hard Kwik Trip fans. Not really sure what the appeal is compared to Flying J / Loves / whatever, but the consensus from my limited sample size was clear.
  7. Ha ha, holy shit. They're playing ACU in November - perhaps replacing that absolute rockfight of a game against UMass with something a little more manageable. Since joining the FCS level in 2012 (that's right, they were Division II until a decade ago), they've amassed an impressive 50-67 record. At least A&M's new star receivers will feel at home playing against a team that was also recently in Division II.
  8. That gif gives me the worst second-hand embarrassment. Just a weird, stupid thing to do.
  9. "No Saturdays off in the SEC" says fan of team who plays UMass in November.
  10. Agreed with everything except you lost me at bringing coleslaw to a BBQ.
  11. UConn just doesn't make sense to me. The closest Big 12 school is WVU, approximately 500 miles away, and WVU is already on an island. It's also a terrible fit culturally and for non-basketball sports. I get that Yormark wants the premier basketball league but it is seems like such a bad idea in every other respect. My only thought is that maybe he's using the threat of adding UConn to encourage another school (like ASU or Arizona) to jump in?
  12. Not exactly. The real quote is "I don’t mind playing 8 or 9 conference games, I do believe this: we need to play a (FCS) game,” his logic being that the FCS teams need an P5 game to make their budgets. https://fbschedules.com/texas-am-jimbo-fisher-advocates-to-continue-playing-fcs-opponents/
  13. No, it's not just you. Been a while since Paul released anything.
  14. Ha ha, holy shit. Without a shred of cognitive dissonance. I want to give Tbone the benefit of the doubt and assume he's being tongue in cheek. But we all know that isn't true. This is seriously how his brain works.
  15. Do you save lives, Drink? Because I'm pretty sure you make more than our BIL and those players combined.
  16. That's completely fair - my ears start burning when I hear people downplay a lack of momentum in recruiting by saying "don't fill up on bread." But for me, the time to start worrying begins in July or August. Especially when our big weekend is still coming up. I'll save the rest of my thoughts for the 9.95 board, but I do share your concerns. Just not yet.
  17. Neat. His tape looks sound - uses his hands violently in the pass rush and when he kept his pads down he absolutely bulldozed people. Can't say I know anything about the level of competition in the Northeast Oklahoma Association of Homeschools, though, so maybe it's not as impressive as it seems.
  18. You've already acknowledged that Darius Terrell is not the best source, so I won't harp on that. But I think you're misunderstanding his quote - he's saying that Texas in the past cycles has been recruiting tweeners that other programs have passed on because we hope they will pay off after developing. For example, players that aren't fast enough for edge but aren't heavy enough for DT, but we take them on talent alone and hope they have room to grow before they play. These are great players that, personally, I'm happy to have in a class, but I would assume they aren't the staff's first choice. In other words, we've been taking our second choice and hope they develop. That may not be necessary anymore, if Texas can recruit it's first choice from high school and pick up tweeners that develop well from the portal. I get that the guy you're quoting - who doesn't actually know anything - used the phrase "bigtime," but that can't reasonably be attributed to the staff or be considered an indication of recruiting strategy.
  19. True enough, but what does that matter for anyone on this thread? Nobody here (except for maybe one or two BMDs who like slumming it) is in a position to prevent the the same dumb shit from happening again. Or are you warning people not to get their hopes up? Because there's got to be a better way to do that than repeatedly kicking ourselves in the nuts. Literally everyone who has any kind of inside track on the 2024 recruiting cycle has said there's no reason to panic. From what I've heard from people who know more than me, it has nothing to do with being "too bigtime" and more to do with being patient and trying to pull in high level prospects before accepting the second choice. A reasonable person might say a bird in the hand is worth more than two in the bush, but that's a question of strategy. After the last two cycles and the season we're projected to have in 2023, t's not arrogance to think Texas has a shot at top talent.
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