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Colonel Sanders

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Everything posted by Colonel Sanders

  1. phdhorn could answer this better, but I think it's generally accepted as the more accurate of the two models, which in this case sucks for me.
  2. Much of central VA is about double normal rainfall totals since late spring. It's also been a wet past ten days, and it's supposed to rain leading up to Florence. This could get really bad.
  3. Worst part of this is beer sales end after the third quarter . 35 seconds
  4. Shitty part about being at the game is you can't chang the channel.
  5. Thank god we get to see the Yankees play a team 52.5 games out of first tonight. Would have been a good week to see some different teams. Seattle Arizona or Colorado St. Louis would have been compelling.
  6. Just noticed the Sunday night game is Yankees Red Sox over Astros Dodgers. As someone that is outside the Houston market that is so fucking disappointing.
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