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Everything posted by Dahobbs

  1. This throwing the ball randomly up from grabs is an interesting strategy by Louisville.
  2. Wtf is this game plan? You're killing them with screens and decide the solution is much deep drop backs with your sucky QB as FSU blitzes every fucking down..
  3. Like, what the fuck. Louisville players aren't trying to get yards. It is infuriating..
  4. Louisville can't catch. But it makes up for it by not being able to throw.
  5. Louisville is stupid. A FG may win this game.
  6. So, things worse than this game: maybe the Holocaust and?
  7. Iowa has essentially matched these two offense in yardage.
  8. I'm pretty sure both Red and Worthy are better QBs. Perhaps even Worthy with one ankle.
  9. Jesus, is Louisville going to complete another pass?
  10. Michigan will have more points than Iowa has yards of offense.
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