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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by kevwun

  1. It's a horrifying story and just when you think justice was finally done, it goes back to being horrifying. Everyone leaving the theatre is going to be depressed. Hard to rave about a movie when you feel awful about what you just saw. This is Schindler's List if the Nazis ended up winning the war 10 years later.
  2. The Dems don't have anything to do with the Republicans being unable to agree on a Speaker. The more fighting amongst Republicans that happens, the more that point gets driven home. How are they ever going to own the Libs when they can't even reconvene the House?
  3. Jim Jordan is mad as hell and he's not gonna take it anymore.
  4. The official breaking up of the Republican Party is what is best for the country long-term, so I support them in their lunacy.
  5. Does this include the cushion umps get around the zone? If it does, that called strike score is about as bad as they can get in a game. Which seems right because calling strikes that are 3-6" out of the zone on both the outside and inside corners is up there with Angel at his worst.
  6. So there won't be a shutdown and foreign aid will keep flowing. That would be total victory for the Dems. All because of magat feelings.
  7. It would help him if the ump didn't call pitches 6 inches outside strikes.
  8. Brantley might actually manage to get on base for Yordan.
  9. The pics taken in daylight point pretty strongly to it not having been an Israeli bomb. Nowhere near enough damage.
  10. Ha, my wife got that and shared with the table. It was really good.
  11. Nomad Library is also really good. We went there on our last trip and it was one of the best meals we had.
  12. I don't think he's capable of not being an asshole.
  13. We'll end up with Speaker Jeffries if he sticks to that. Jordan and the Magats refusing to support another Republican candidate is probably the only way it will happen.
  14. I haven't had enough of him being humiliated yet, so I hope he goes for it again.
  15. And also walk 2 or 3 guys before him
  16. I am a big fan of Bardot Brasserie and it's in the same casino if you had other plans nearby. Dim Tai Fung is also really good.
  17. One of those we lost for sure because it was the World Series against the Nationals.
  18. They are not anti-aggie. Reggie McNeal was stealing shit while in school and never got arrested.
  19. Yep, it's definitely their fault for me agreeing to stupid rules that magats exploited.
  20. Those are both air to air missiles. That's a hello to Iran.
  21. I am sure there are quite a few yes votes who only voted that way because they knew Jordan wasn't going to win. That would be something jackasses like McCaul would do for certain.
  22. It's not like counting votes is an important skill for Speakers.
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