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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by kevwun

  1. Maybe try Maldonado at 2nd. He's should see better pitches in front of Yordan.
  2. He's gonna drop Chas to 9th at some point. I can feel it.
  3. They're gonna give them enough ATACMS to take out the Kerch bridge.
  4. I like this Bush conspiracy that has appeared out of thin air. If they are powerful enough to destroy Kenny, they probably wouldn't have let Jr. lose in the first place.
  5. Putin poisoned him, right? I'm trying to understand exactly why.
  6. I love Italy, but Italians have probably been the most unfriendly group as a whole that we've experienced while traveling.
  7. Also, you haven't lived until you've boarded with a plane full of Italians pretending to not understand the concept of assigned seating.
  8. I have seen an Italian racing team hang out in front of the restroom drinking on a flight from London to Austin. They got wasted and started harassing any ladies that went to the bathroom. The FAs told them to stop several times. After one of them crawled down the aisle to try to scare a friend, a FA finally told them something that made them sit down. It was a British Airways flight. I have never seen Americans pull that. They would have ended up in Guantanamo if they had been on a US flight.
  9. It turns out Joey McGuire was wrong about a lot of shit.
  10. I was gonna say it's because you were in Italy until I read the last part. Many of the craziest or dumbest things I have witnessed while flying involved Italians. They like to pretend to not understand how anything works when they get on an airplane.
  11. I got this one. You definitely need a butane torch to light it. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06ZZRR7XD/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  12. Damn Hunter. Luckily it was a glancing blow.
  13. They have a funny way of showing how much they care about winning.
  14. If Saban thought NLI was good for Alabama, he wouldn't be bitching about it nonstop. Do you hear Sark or Riley complaining about it?
  15. The day before an off day too. It's kind of amazing that he's gotten this many manager jobs. Those stories must be real fucking good.
  16. When he starts in about Ukraine running out of equipment and troops, you know it's him.
  17. Cosmo has never been fast with the check in process for some reason. I don't know if they don't have enough front desk people, but we hang out at Vesper the lobby bar a lot and there are decent sized lines quite often there.
  18. Congrats, you are the first normal person I have ever encountered who uses it.
  19. So Ashoka is a Jedi Master now, right?
  20. Protonmail is a giant blinking red flag that you are either crazy or up to something illegal.
  21. He should be the wise old veteran on the bench who catches 1 game a week to give Diaz an off day. The fans wouldn't hate him if that was the case.
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