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Posts posted by utee94

  1. 6 minutes ago, dieucla98 said:

    I agree with all this. I decant the good stuff as well and stick the bottle topper in the majority of the other wines I drink.

    I do hate cleaning the decanter though.... 

    That's what the wife is for.

  2. 1 hour ago, rickyspub said:

    Please no Pedo State! They are only an iconic brand among the NAMBLA crowd.

    Let CDC know that you have no interest in scheduling Pedo State.  I just did.  The others all look good.


    As whiny and bitchy as corn was on the way out, I'd still be okay with scheduling them... for the certain win.

  3. On 5/17/2018 at 1:17 PM, Jameslaw121 said:

    I don't mind Mother's or Father's day.


    What I do mind is that on Father's day all I want is some peace and quit, some beer, and a steak (that I'll make myself) - What I actually get is mostly none of those things

    Same here. I'm lucky that both of my parents are alive and well, and same with my wife, and there are a lot of advantages to having them all here in town-- our kids are 8 and 10 and we've only paid for babysitting 2 or 3 times in all those years.

    But holidays can be a complete disaster, making sure all mothers are properly attended to on Mother's Day, and all fathers are properly entertained on Father's Day.  When all I want is to be on the lake, skiing and drinking beer.

  4. 49 minutes ago, 52-80 said:

    Deadpool... irreverent juvenile humor... which is fine in the right time, place, and dosage... but cant see why adults get so utterly giddy about it

    You're asking this on the surl/shag, which is pretty much the epicenter of irreverent juvenile humor for adults, so...

  5. 29 minutes ago, Brew said:

    No better place to learn than in a budget, starter boat like a brand new Cobalt. Just be careful around docks and avoid shallow water. That should at least keep you afloat.

    Well, and remember to put in the plug before putting in... :)



  6. 4 minutes ago, Hanrahan said:

    Jesus those things are expensive.  And my FIL also knows nothing about boats.  We have to tale lessons to learn how to drive the thing.

    I think I've met your FIL.  Does he happen to look like this?



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  7. 20 hours ago, The Dog said:

    Whatever - you’re right.

    He is right.  The SEC hasn't been historically great at baseball, and they've been undeservedly rewarded in # of teams, seeding, and # of regionals granted to their teams, for decades.

    All at the expense of teams in Texas and the West.

  8. I'm sure everyone knows, but just in case, here's my annual reminder that the Monaco Grand Prix schedule is a little different.  FP1 and FP2 are on Thursday, there's no on-track action on Friday, and then the normal schedule resumes with FP3 and Qualy on Saturday, and the race on Sunday.

    I'll just add, this is my absolutely favorite race on the schedule every year.  To me, it's like the TX-OU of auto-racing.  And with both Ferrari and Red Bull looking pretty racy, I'm really looking forward to it this year!



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  9. ^^^^^^


    ACC got extra benefit from the Selection Committee for decades, too.  Southeastern schools from the SEC and ACC would take 3/4 of the regionals, while the really good teams from Texas and the West were getting funneled into the other 1/4 of them.  Absolutely ridiculous, and as you point out, the southeastern schools are still benefitting from this regional bias.

    Anyway, all you can do is win.

  10. I typically load the cooler and dry bags in at my storage or at the gas station.  I load the family and do the other rigging  (plug, straps, etc.) in the rigging area, never ever on the ramp itself.  People that do their rigging on the ramp deserve a special place in hell.  Not really, it's not that big of a deal, but it's certainly inconsiderate.

    I back the trailer, wife starts the boat and takes off, that  all takes less than a minute.  I park and she swings by and picks me up, as far from the ramps as the facility allows.  It's tough for me to understand people that won't/can't do it quickly, but then again, in general people are really, really dumb, so...

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