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definitely not derka

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Everything posted by definitely not derka

  1. looks like i got a nice new addition to my team name: thanks espn!
  2. it’s not hip not hate angel reese, she’s an inherently, purposely hateable sports figure. she has said aloud many times that she embraces being the villain. she’s just not good at it. in fact she sucks at it. and her “woe is me” act the first time she ever faced backlash was pathetic. she’s a fake tough guy who wants special treatment. she sucks. and that’s coming for. someone who originally (and still does) defend her and her lsu teammates’ right to talk shit and celebrate and get crunk. but the more camera time she’s gotten since then the more she’s exposed herself to be a needy, hypocritical, shit talking female jabroni who draws zero eyeballs to the wnba.
  3. all of that is something that i will never understand.
  4. shaggy should livestream a sports trivia/certamen style tournament.
  5. i have 7 total posts on the last three pages and three of those posts are just twitter links. tell me again who’s hypersensitive.
  6. the thread regarding my banning showed overwhelming support for me/disapproval for my banning. like 99/1. and lol at you making this post and then calling somebody else hypersensitive. that’s rich.
  7. this thread has taken a sudden turn for the awesome. less gritty chicks and more titty pics.
  8. kyrie is nowhere near the conversation of “most gifted” (as if that’s not open to all kinds of interpretation) basketball players ever. wilt, russell, shaq, hakeem, jokic, kareem, walton, duncan are all big men whom i would absolutely consider to be more gifted than kyrie. magic, oscar, pistol pete, jordan, steph, lebron, kd, kawhi are just some of the perimeter players who are more gifted than kyrie. it’s just an all around asinine statement from lebron, who is leading the charge for multiple generations of youthful, highly opinionated, yet totally uninformed basketball fans.
  9. lol, you just said that i gave a stupid take only to follow that up by reinforcing my allegedly stupid take. 1)people already take women’s tennis seriously and have done so for decades, and 2)whenever i come across women’s tennis on espn i come across the women, you know, playing tennis. women’s basketball isn’t getting that same coverage, now is it? any other dumbass, off-the-mark takes you’d like to share? or was that it?
  10. every time lebron james says something this fucking stupid, knowing how influential his words are, it really makes it hard for me to like him.
  11. TIL that rhys hoskins is the most important and beloved player in the 141 year history of the phillies.
  12. wnba players have been screaming for attention for years. they’re finally getting it, and it turns out we all like what they have to offer less than we did before we paid any attention. it would be hilarious if the league folded and these women had to get jobs.
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