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definitely not derka

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Everything posted by definitely not derka

  1. also liz cambadge and brittney griner need to be grateful that this league and its players don’t get more attention, because they are both huge pieces of shit who would be reviled by sports fans everywhere if they were men.
  2. yeah, wnba fans constantly try and tell the rest of us that the talent level and the product is actually really good, and it’s just not. it’s pathetic. that is why this league would not exist on its own merit. yet they are given this league by men, and all they do is bitch and moan about all the stuff they deserve that they don’t have, and how men need to give it to them. then when men say things like, “we might watch more if you lowered the rim” they become incredulously apoplectic that you would say something so sexist. the more i’m exposed to the wnba, the more of a joke the league and its players become.
  3. two errors in one inning followed up by a one-pitch ab with the winning run on third.
  4. texas pitching all night: 1)get ahead in the count 2)start dancing around the edges 3)get behind in the count 4)flirt with danger
  5. look at these fucking goobers in the stands, we need david attenborough narrating this shit.
  6. they are dortmund, we are madrid. they will pay for not taking advantage.
  7. it’s so fucking funny that their super bowl is against a 3 seed in a four team regional. 😂😂😂
  8. my feelings on shirtless, dancing aggie kid: that kid is back dancing in the background again…that’s criminal…that kid…is BACK dancing in the background again!
  9. chestnut is too fast to be taking your time like that
  10. it feels like wed have better ab’s if we gave everyone the take sign until they get to two strikes. so, less than ideal.
  11. well that’s a top 10 pick for you. let’s roll two.
  12. that slider is on point tonight!
  13. super impressed with LBJ throwing so many first-pitch strikes.
  14. chestnut is normally my boy, but tonight i hope he k’s three times on 9 pitches.
  15. from “saw varsity’s horns off” to a leadoff bomb in ~20 seconds. you love to see it! 🤘🏼
  16. 23 pitches but that’s a damn good start.
  17. lol we already got a gomer behind home plate going apoplectic after the first hitter of the game. i love how much this means to them.
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