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Everything posted by gasman

  1. Rock Prodigy is a good app for learning technique. Fender has an online program too. I haven't used it, but I believe they offer 1 month free with the purchase of a new Fender. Regarding lessons, maybe look for a school that teaches a lot of kids. They usually have early afternoon time slots for "after school" lessons. You may be able to find a 2:30-3:30 spot.
  2. That sucks. That place was like a mythical destination that my parents would never take me to because it was "all the way in Houston". It was only 30 miles away... I was stuck riding my bike to Mr. G's music to look at Yamaha's and Washburn's while dreaming of Ibanez and Fender. Hopefully I can get down there before it is shuttered for good.
  3. It's like, how much more black could this be? and the answer is none. None more black.
  4. I just ordered it. Appreciate the recommendation. On the non-approved literature list, I have always liked "Drop the Rock" https://www.amazon.com/Drop-Rock-Removing-Character-Defects/dp/B0082PR3U0/ref=sr_1_1?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIwLOr7pCH4gIVURx9Ch2QvQl9EAAYASAAEgKoxvD_BwE&hvadid=241607241089&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9027229&hvnetw=g&hvpos=1t1&hvqmt=e&hvrand=14860063835079392241&hvtargid=kwd-18859970831&hydadcr=15492_10339794&keywords=drop+the+rock&qid=1557153536&s=gateway&sr=8-1
  5. We are all using Avengers Quantum Realm for time travel now, but otherwise, yeah, we good.
  6. Diablo, sorry for your loss man. That's just horrible.
  7. I'm honestly probably not the best judge. To me it sound sounds great, but my only comparison is a small Roland Cube.
  8. Sort of. It's a Cougar 15. I believe some company paid Bad Cat for their name and made these on the cheap out of China. Today, I don't think "Official Bad Cat" acknowledges their existence. I picked it up as a MF stupid deal of the day a few years ago when they were clearing them out.
  9. VABuckeye has inspired me. I started lessons with my son years ago. He moved onto drums and I just kinda put this thing in the closet and life got in the way. I pulled it out tonight, now to dig out my old music lessons and start back up.
  10. I have spent over an hour on the Relish site and Reverb. I hate you.
  11. I think Shaggy still "functions" like I was "drinking and functioning". There were some really good parts of me (like the thread listed above), but it was hard to see because of all of the layers of shit covering it up. That Shaggy thread was my gateway to freedom. I will be forever grateful to Lake Worth Monster for starting it.
  12. Welcome. Glad you are here.
  13. So, you're saying there's a chance.....
  14. Registration is still open. Just sayin.....
  15. Alamo Half is March 3 if you want to drive down to San Antonio. https://www.alamo131.com Weather was nice for Cowtown. Ran the half with no real time goal in mind. I have spent too many races looking at my watch the whole time and missed the fun of the race itself. I ended up jumping in with the 1:40 pace group and felt good enough to try and hang with them as long as I could. Ended up with a 1:39. Way faster than I thought possible given my training runs and way more relaxing. Now to start some trail runs in preparation for the Pikes Peak Ascent.
  16. I have finally came to the realization that I need to get rid of a few guitars. I rarely play anymore. For those of you that sell, where have you had the most success? Craigslist? Reverb? Ebay? Nothing rare just a Fender Strat, a PRS Stripped 58 and a Rainsong carbon fiber acoustic.
  17. This was me. At the time, I considered myself a craft beer nerd. Nevermind the fact that every beer just happened to be a double IPA, Imperial Stout, etc. I generally spun the bottle around to check out the ABV before every purchase. I eventually could not find the line between a smooth cool buzz and oblivion. I always thought that if I could have just not had that last one, I would not have ended up so shit faced. Next time, I would do better and this is how... It took me coming into the rooms to understand that it was the first drink, not the last that got me drunk.
  18. I will confirm this. I have a few 80's Ocean Pacific shirts. The 80's "large" is equivalent to a current "medium".
  19. I sponsor a couple of people. It was certainly outside of my comfort zone, but I get more out of it than they do.
  20. Nice Derty! And you are certainly right about the miracles.
  21. There is one that looks similar on Reverb right now. Open the backplate. If it has active pickups there will be a spot for a 9Volt battery. If not, you may be able to see a broken solder if there is one. https://reverb.com/item/17795729-80-s-aria-pro-ii-xr-series-electric-guitar-blue-quilt-used
  22. Quick question: my kid is turning 15 in a few weeks. I want to take him to Rainbow Kitten Surprise. I don't expect G-rated. But don't want my wife to spaz out. Good show?
  23. Unless you are stuck on those brands, I would seriously look at Seagull. The SWS I discussed above is all solid wood (SWS-solid wood series) - spruce top, mahogany back, sides and neck. Sweetwater has them for $899 list. I asked if they could do a little better and they came back at $700. I honestly don't know how they offer an all solid wood guitar made in Canada at that price. If you really wanted to go higher, you could step up to their artist series.
  24. I picked up a Seagull Maritime SWS concert just before Christmas. I wanted something smaller than a full dread. It's just a really great guitar. I don't think it even needs the "for the money" qualifier. Of course, a high dollar Martin or Taylor would still sound crappy if it is me playing it.
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