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Everything posted by nivek3

  1. So does this one rank anywhere on the positive scale for you guys? Never tried the other 3 varieties of Chimay, but I always feel better after a couple of the blue.
  2. nivek3


    You're probably right. But paranoia had already kicked in. Gummies will do that to you when you're not a regular participant.
  3. Mohawk Bend in Silver Lake has awesome pizza and beer. Great place to watch games when you can get a seat.
  4. nivek3


    Ok kids, it's story time. A little while back I took a trip to Colorado and on my return, I somehow found several containers of magic gummies and candies (not for kids) in my possession. While I occasionally will partake in a smoke, I would definitely not consider myself having authoritative knowledge in this area. Recently I was a little stressed and decided to have a fruit gummy to chill out a little. But the last time I had one I didn’t really notice much of an influence, so this time I decided to double up. They usually take a while to kick in so I decided to open a bottle of wine while punching on the computer. Eventually things started to progress nicely and all the stress started to fade away. By the time I finished the bottle I was laying on the ground with my dogs looking up at the sky. For any of you that are old enough, back in the 70’s there was a ride at Six Flags I loved called the Spindletop. It was a weird tower kind-of building that had a circular room with no ceiling. They would open the door and everyone would funnel into the room and stand up against the wall. Once the ride started, the room would spin around fast enough till you stuck up against the wall. Then they would drop the floor by a foot or two and you would be stuck to the wall. It was a blast unless you were unfortunate enough to be on the ride when someone threw up. Saw a girl throw up once and I swear she spewed chunks that hovered in front of her face before doing a reverse and splatering all over her. But here it was 2018 I was riding the Spindletop again. Only I was stuck against the ground and not the wall. Every time I tried to lift my head I could feel the force pushing it back to the ground just like when I was kid on the Spindletop. Man, I love that ride. Interesting side story about the candies. So, I flew into Denver to meet up with my cousin and his wife for a little vacation. They drove to Denver with their kids and picked me up at Denver International while coming through town. Once the vacation was over they were to drop me off at the airport on their way back home. So, we decided to stop at a dispensary to pick up some edibles to take back home. Since I was flying, I gave them all my goodies for the car ride. Later while I was waiting in the horribly long airport security line, I noticed a security officer walking up and down the line with a drug-sniffing dog. At first, I didn’t think much about it until I happen to bring one of my hands up to my face. It reeked of the magic green herb from handling all our purchases at the dispensary. While security and the dog were a good bit away from me, I had to decide quickly if I was going to bail out and go wash my hands. I also knew if I got out of line I was likely to risk missing my flight with this mammoth line. Remembering how a dog’s nose is like a thousand times more sensitive than a human, I was running multiple scenarios through my head before it registered they had almost reached me. If I could smell the stinkweed on me, there was no way this dog wouldn’t smell it. By this point I realized it was too late for me to bail without looking suspicious. I tried to stay calm and waited for the dog’s reaction as it came to my place in line. But much to my surprise, the fucking dog just kept on going. Could it be the dog had a stuffy nose from a cold or something? I mean, how the hell was I picking this stuff up and super-schnoz walked by with no discernment what so ever? Fucking dog gave me a scare none the less. As Ren would sing, "Memories".
  5. Huh. I did not know that. Well, it's all water under the bridge. And we do enter the next round-robin, am I wrong?
  6. ??!? Guessing I asked the wrong question?
  7. Sorry, I didn't see the Irish Whisky thread.
  8. nivek3


    Ok here's a question for the experts. (would that be considered an oxymoron?) I originally started on wine years ago drinking Shiraz. I found the acidity along with my poor diet caused me to have acid reflux. My diet has been corrected and I have since shifted over to Pinot Noir. I normally stick to the $10-15 dollar bottles. Any suggestions on brands or even different types of wine? Not big into the sweet stuff, red or white. Thanks. I'll hang up and listen.
  9. Anton I'm guessing since you asked, your in the DFW area. Have you tried Blood & Honey from Revolver Brewing out of Granbury?
  10. I was told you could buy it in DFW stores, but I have been unable to find it. A bar called Live Oak (don't believe it is related) on Magnolia & Lipscomb had it on tap the last time I was there.
  11. For those in Austin, I recommend visiting the Live Oak taproom. The HefeWeizen was a little on the addictive side for me.
  12. Not a Bourbon, but I bought a bottle of this a few weeks back. A little too pricey for me be a regular, but it was tasty.
  13. How do you upload a photo from your computer that you're not copying from the internet?
  14. The first time I saw this gif on shaggy, I fell out. I spit beer on my keyboard and laughed as the burning beer came out my nose. Good times.
  15. https://247sports.com/college/texas/Bolt/Bryan-Carrington-burns-Ohio-State-Buckeyes-coach-You-wanted-to-be-at-Texas-Longhorns-recruiting--116635447
  16. sat·is·fac·tion ˌsadəsˈfakSH(ə)n/ noun fulfillment of one's wishes, expectations, or needs, or the pleasure derived from this.
  17. Glad this didn't take too long. Let me know when someone starts selling "Surly Cows" t-shirts. I'm down for a Large.
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